Our Must See Christmas Movies

Our Must See Christmas Movies

My husband, Brad, and I have decided to do a post together.  I thought it would be fun to talk about our must see Christmas movies.  I am most positive our list will be very different.  Take a look for yourself!


The Polar Express

As a child, I adored this book.  I probably checked it out of our school library 50 times.  Even to this day, I try and read the book once during the holidays.  I hope to make it a tradition with our future children to always read this book during the holidays as well.  I think the movie captured the Christmas spirit wonderfully.  I still cry at the end of this movie.  I love the innocence of a child, and I thoroughly miss that time of my life.  While this movie is not a classic by any means, I hope that if you have not heard of or read the book, that you will take the time this holiday season and do so.

A Christmas Story

Yes, the "you'll shoot your eye out" movie is a must watch for me.  Something about this movie means Christmas to me.  Maybe it is the 24-hour marathon TBS runs at Christmas, but when I watch this movie, I know it is finally Christmas.  This one is a classic for sure!  Most people I know can't stand this movie, but there is just something about it that keeps me wanting to watch it every year!

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Jim Carrey version)

Brad will definitely disagree on the version of this movie.  I like the animated version as well, but I am a big Jim Carrey fan.  I don't see this movie ever being a classic like the animated version, but it makes the story last longer, and it has some really great humor.  The story itself is also really important.  So many people get so wrapped up in all the presents, they truly forget why we even celebrate.  Another tearjerker for me!

The Santa Clause (Tim Allen version)

I love Tim Allen as well.  I used to love watching Home Improvement.  I really enjoy him in this movie.  It is a really funny movie.  I always find myself watching it every time I notice it on TV.  I have the DVDs, but I really enjoy the spontaneity of it on TV.  You can't take the movie too seriously, however.  Brad finds many things that just don't make sense (like why did no one seem sad when the old Santa 'died'), so you have to look over these kinds of things.  But it is meant to be a cute and fun movie.  And wouldn't it be neat if that really was how things happen!

Honorable Mention: Home Alone

I say this is an honorable mention because I do not necessarily see this one every year.  If it is on, I will sit down and watch it, but I don't own it or anything.  One, I couldn't imagine being part of a family so big.  I have one brother, Brad has one brother.  We come from a small immediate family.  To be part of a family so big you are forgotten, it is unimaginable for me.  Two, to be left home alone, that young, would be terrifying.  Heck, I hate to be home alone now and I am almost 29!  Either way, it is a neat to see all the stunts he pulls to stay out of harms way.


Santa Claus

When I think of a Christmas movie, this is the movie that stands out to me.  I am usually surprised that most people don't know about this movie, but it's my favorite.  You get to see the back story on how Santa Clause becomes Santa Clause.  You see how he gets his suit, the reindeer, and how he moves around.  Not only does it show the past, it also takes you to the modern day (well the 1980s anyways)  and his adventures with Joe and Cornelia.  You should check it out!  I mean a movie with Dudley Moore and John Lithgow couldn't be bad right?  *Touches the side of his nose and disappears*


White Christmas

So this is an oldie but a goodie.  You don't see movies like this anymore, but it is a true classic. My family usually sits around and will watch it.  The music in it is great and full of classics.  Everyone pitches in on their holiday for the ole General and to save his ski lodge.  Everyone should watch this every year!

"Snooow Snoooow Snooooooowww"

Christmas Vacation

So who doesn't love Christmas Vacation?  This is Chevy Chase's best work.  I don't care how many times you've seen it, seeing Cousin Eddie standing in the yard and emptying the...  RV...  into the sewer is a classic.  We ALL have family members we can tag onto people that are staying with the Griswolds.  I mean who doesn't have a cousin Eddie, Francis, or Aunt Bethany in their family.  I know I do!  (You know who you are!)  So sit back, learn about the meaning of the season, how to set up your Christmas lights, and what family is about!

"Can't see the line, can you Russ"

Home Alone 2:  Lost in New York

I know what people are going to say "Brad's insane, the original is better!" but I'm telling you the second movie is better.  This is the movie that makes me want to visit New York!  I mean I had my Talk Boy because of this movie!  Most of the jokes and story are nothing more than a rehash of the first movie, but it's execution is better.  Watching Kevin run around New York and survive is funny and heart warming.  The Toy Store that he goes into looks amazing and was just fun.  The soundtrack is also really good.  We had this tape (yes I said tape) and we listened to it all Christmas long.  Plus we learn important lessons about how that lady that's covered in birds and bird poop is weird, but she is can still be a wonderful person!


Honorable Mention:  The Star Wars Christmas Special

So I have to admit that I've only seen this once.  I'm about as big of a Star Wars fan that's out there, and even I have to say this TV special was bad... worse than bad actually...  I know I know you are asking why did I put this on here?  There are parts of this that will forever be burned in my memory for terribleness.  It was a variety type show and it was interesting.  All Star Wars fans out there need to watch this so that they can share in the insanity. Beside the fact it was terrible, this is the part of Star Wars that brought us Boba Fett and for that we are thankful!

"I am Boba Fett"


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