Be Our Guest Breakfast Review

Be Our Guest Breakfast Review

As you may have read in my previous post, Brad and I just returned from Walt Disney World.  We went back to celebrate our two year anniversary.  Be Our Guest breakfast was not originally part of our plan.  When Disney announced that they would start serving breakfast at Be Our Guest back in March, we decided we would definitely see if we could get reservations prior to park opening.  If so, we would try it.  If not, no heartburn about missing it.  I was able to get a reservation at 8:05 a.m.  I did keep an eye on park hours to make sure that the opening did not change to 8 a.m.  If it changed, we planned to cancel our reservation.  Luckily it did not.  See below for pictures and my review.

  • Location - Magic Kingdom, Fantasyland
  • Date - Wednesday, May 13, 2015
  • Time - 8:05 a.m.
  • Booked - March 17, 2015
  • Bill Total - $42.58


Overall Review

Brad and I arrived at the Magic Kingdom around 7:30 a.m..  We checked in with a Disney cast member and let him know we were there for a breakfast reservation.  We entered to the left and stood in a line waiting to enter the park.  They let all of us in the park around 7:45 a.m.  Brad and I took our time walking back to Fantasyland and took a few pictures on our stroll.

After arriving, we checked in at the booth outside of the bridge to the restaurant.  Since we did not preorder, they asked us to stand in line on the bridge on the right side.  Those that preordered formed a line on the left side.  We waited until 8 a.m., then they had a welcome ceremony and opened the doors.  They let the preordered guests go in first and continued on the left side.  Those of us who needed to order went in and still stayed to the right.

Brad and I were the third people in line to order.  We didn't wait long at all before getting to go to one of the stations and order.  If you are paying with something other than your MagicBand you have to order with a cashier.  Since we were using our MagicBands, we were able to go to a kiosk and order.  We debated up until we ordered whether we were going to split something or get two meals.  In the end we decided to get two meals.  I had planned on us skipping lunch, so this made this most sense so that we stayed full longer.  The menu above is a picture taken of the kiosk.

I decided to order the Open-Faced Breakfast Sandwich and Brad ordered the Assorted Cured Meats and Cheeses.  When ordering, it asked how many people, then you selected your entrees, then your drinks.  We both just got fountain drinks.  We paid, then headed out to the dining rooms.  At this point, only the main dining room and the West Wing were opened.  We were lucky enough to get a spot in the West Wing.  We had lunch there before, but there were not tables in that dining room, so I was happy we were finally able to eat in there.  While some people will say preordering is the only way to go, I think we were lucky enough to get in this dining room because we did not.  The lady that checked in before us did not get a table until after we were already seated, so the only thing that may be quicker about pre-ordering is that you get your food slightly quicker.

Once seated, Brad went to get us drinks.  He went into the main dining room to get us both a coke.  Because of the massive amount of people, he just grabbed two lids, two straws, our drinks, and headed back to our table.  On his way back, an older cast member stopped him and told him he should not have came in there for his drinks.  Apparently there was a drink station in the West Wing that neither of us noticed, and she told him he needed to use that one.  She also told him he needed to put the lids on his drinks and not carry them around without it.  It was actually really rude of her.  First of all, we didn't even realize there was a station in the West Wing since it was so dark.  Second of all, many people do not prefer lids and straws, so there is no reason to tell someone they are required to put one on.  

A few minutes after Brad returned with our drinks, the staff magically knew where we were seated and delivered our food.  We also received five pastries.

The breakfast sandwich was AMAZING.  I would say this was the best breakfast item out there.  It was tricky to eat at first, but cutting it in half helped.  The bread was perfectly toasted and buttered, and surprisingly it wasn't too hard and crunchy.  The eggs were perfectly cooked and the bacon was really crunch just the way I like it.  If I had to change one thing it would be thinner sliced cheese.  The cheese was really rich, but  I really did love it just the way it was!

Brad said the assorted meats were good.  I didn't try them personally.  I thought it was a pretty odd breakfast option, but he enjoyed it.  The chocolate pastry was out of this world.  Luckily Brad doesn't eat chocolate so that  I could have this all to myself.  The other pastries were just ok.  I would hate to know I had to eat here with someone that loved chocolate.  I might have to stab their hand for it!

As we left, I got a few other pictures of the other two dining rooms:

I would definitely recommend eating at Be Our Guest for breakfast.  It is pretty expensive ($19.99 per entree which includes pastries and drink), but if you are willing to split the meal with someone it isn't too bad.  And there is plenty of food to split!  If you are on the Disney Dining Plan, this is a great use of a Quick Service credit too.  If this is still offered the next time we go back, I will definitely be booking it for 8 am before park opening.  I mean after breakfast we had time to get a few PhotoPass pictures in an empty park and we were on Space Mountain before opening!

*Note: After we got home, I checked our credit card statement and noticed at $20 charge from this day. The merchant was WDW Ticket Dine. So I called the number listed and spoke to a cast member. Apparently we were charged a $20 no show fee ($10 per person). I told the cast member that I went to all my reservations and did cancel one but I canceled it prior to 24 hours. After researching, I was charged for this meal. Apparently if you show up early or late, you may still get charged. Of course she credited back my account, but luckily I caught this. And we were not even that early for our meal!! So please be cautious when you return and check this credit card statements!! 

UPDATE: I have since had breakfast at Be Our Guest.  Here is the review.

Be Our Guest Dinner Review

Be Our Guest Dinner Review

English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich

English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich