Melody's Last Bottle

Melody's Last Bottle


So Melody was nearly 18 months old when she took her last bottle.  I could never get her to take formula from a sippy cup prior to 12 months old.  She would take water from a cup without a fight.  When we transferred her to milk, we did so via a bottle to make the transition from formula to milk easier.  Well that kind of bit us in the butt.  She transitioned easy, but the bottle has stuck.  She would not take milk from anything but a bottle.  Some meals I would try the milk in a cup, but she would refuse.  

At her 15 month appointment I asked for recommendation from the pediatrician.  I considered going cold turkey, but I didn't want her to go without milk for too long without me knowing it was ok.  She recommended we go cold turkey for her breakfast and lunch bottles.  Dinner was always water.  She would still get her bottle before bed.  In addition we added dairy where we could.  I would always do yogurt in the mornings.  And sometimes I would give her cheese too.  The goal was to be done with the bottle by her 18 month appointment.

After about two months, she finally started taking milk from a cup.  Not a lot by any means, but more than usual.  At breakfast and lunch, she only gets milk no water.  I give her water between meals only.  That has caused her to increase her milk intake too.  Once we noticed this, we started to decrease her nighttime bottle.  We went down from 6 to 4 ounces.  Then to 3 ounces.  We did each for about a week.  

One day we just stopped the nighttime bottle and started giving her milk at dinner.  We started a new routine to help with the transition.  We have her clean up her toys.  Then we give her water followed by brushing and flossing her teeth.  Next we change her diaper and read her a book.  We give her one more shot at drinking water if she wants it.  Then one of us rocks her until she falls asleep.  If she doesn't fall asleep after about 15 minutes, we put her to bed anyhow.  She will fall asleep pretty quick.  

She slept through the night without a problem.  She has done so for quite a while now.  She still isn't getting quite the milk I would like, but I am hoping the pediatrician. has some recommendations on how to handle that part!

So I did document her very last bottle.  I feel like we document everything in her life so why not this!  It was what was best, but I must admit, I did cry!

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