Outdoor Fun

Outdoor Fun

Since the weather has warmed up, we try and get outside more with Melody.  She loves being outside, but it is a lot of work sometimes!  Once she is walking, it should be easier.  Anyhow, we are hoping to spend more time outside over the next few months.  Check out some of the recent pictures below!

Sometimes we will just lay out a blanket and toys, and we will let her go and see what happens.  This has become slightly more difficult since she crawls so much.  I just now have to keep a closer eye on her!  She rarely will come off her blanket anyhow because she isn't a huge fan of grass yet.

Melody loves to walk the yard with her daddy.  Each day when he gets home from work, he takes her on a walk around our backyard.  Brad loves to look at all of his plants to see how they are doing.  

She likes to think she can do all of the same things as her cousins, hence her sitting at the table like a big girl!

Melody has recently become obsessed with bubbles.  At first, she wasn't sure what to think, but after a few attempts, she is now in love with them.

And Melody's most favorite thing to do outside...swing!  She loves to swing.  She will just wiggle and laugh while you are pushing her!  We have a nice playground in our neighborhood that we visit on occasion.  We also plan to put a swing in our backyard soon.

Happy Star Wars Day!

Happy Star Wars Day!

Melody's Eleven Month Pictures

Melody's Eleven Month Pictures