Pumpkin Patch 2021
So unfortunately we have missed the Pumpkin Patch the last two years. In 2019, every chance we could go it rained. In 2020, COVID happened. So this year I was determined we were going to go back. Once again, our opportunities to go were limited. We finally narrowed down a date, and it was supposed to rain. But we decided to go anyhow. The forecast projected it to miss us until later that evening. Unfortunately Brad was told to travel for work last minutes, so he was unable to go. But we met up with the Owen clan.
We went on a Friday after school. We arrived around 4:15 that evening.
I made sure to have Melody take the only picture that mattered, her growth one. You can also see her from the last 3 visits: 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2021.
Then Melody went straight to the swings. It is currently Melody’s favorite thing to do since she discovered how to swing herself.
Once Lydia arrived, they played on the swings for a little bit, then spent sometime on the inflatable slide and trampoline.
We took them to the big slide. After their second slide down, the bottom fell out of the sky! We decided to wait out the rain by eating dinner. I waited for pizza to find out they were out. So I went to find my group and wait out some of the rain. Dalton found the rain and wind quite funny. The girls found it cold, ha.
Once the rain slowed down, I got burger and fries. We let the girls play for a bit longer, but it started raining once again. So we called it a night. We took one last picture before getting us a pumpkin, some snacks, and heading out.
As I was changing Melody’s wet clothes, we got a fun firework show to end the night!