Halloween 2022
I love Halloween. I love the decorations. I love the fun. And I love planning the costumes. This year was a busy October. Brad was out of town until the 28th of October. So many of the things going on was spent without him. Even decorating happened after he left for his work trip. But we made it work the best we could, and we did try and have as much fun as possible!
As long as I can remember, my dad has wanted to take Melody to a Fall Festival at his old elementary school. It happens every October. However the timing just has not worked. But this year, we made it happen since he was off work. It was hard being on a Thursday and the school is an hour and a half a way, but they both had so much fun!
I won the cutest little 3D glow in the dark ghost from Factory 55!
Dress up days happened often this month. She dressed up as Elsa for both dance and school. She also went as a gymnast to a trunk or treat at Lydia’s elementary school. There were many more school dress up days I did not include. It was exhausting.
We made it to the Pumpkin Patch this year and had great crowds and weather!
We waited and carved pumpkins once Brad was back. We bought a fun kit that made it so much easier.
Then of course we had Halloween night itself. Melody wanted to be Rapunzel, Brad was Flynn, and I was Mother Gothel. We went trick or treating throughout our neighborhood, and Melody ended up with tons of candy, most of which she won’t eat. We ended the night in our matching Halloween pajamas!