May 2022 Fun

May 2022 Fun

May was quite a chaotic month (let’s be honest, so is June hence my lack of writing). But I am finally catching up on all the things, and I wanted to share as much of the fun as I could!

We spent a lot of time at Melody’s school in May. From duty free lunch, field day, kite day, and kindergarten celebration, I felt we were there nearly every other day. But I am so happy we are able to finally get back in the schools, and things are finally get back to a new normal.

We celebrated a lot of things in May. We had Mother’s Day, Lydia’s birthday, our anniversary, and we can’t forget Melody’s turned 6!!

Speaking of, we celebrated with a fun Doc McStuffin’s party with all of her friends!

Dance came to an end (peep that first day/last day of dance). With that came her 4th dance recital. She also finished her first year of soccer.

Melody spent time working on puzzles, legos, and reading.

During Melody’s last week of school, we let her ride the school bus home.

And of course, she had her very last day of kindergarten…how do we have a 1st grader already?!?!?

I finally tackled the playroom to make it ready for new birthday toys!

We spent some time in the kitchen.

We also tried a new theme park for our vacation this year, Dollywood.

And we just had lots of fun within the chaos!

Dance Recital 2022

Dance Recital 2022

Dance Spring 2022

Dance Spring 2022