June 2022 Fun
It is hard to believe summer is over halfway over! We spent June staying super busy.
We spent the beginning of June vacationing at Dollywood followed by celebrating Melody and her cousin, Caroline’s, birthday in Nashville at American Girl.
Melody was upgraded to a booster car seat as soon as we got back from vacation!
Melody started swim lessons. We went 5 days a week, so we were pretty busy with it!
I am learning to frenchbraid Melody’s hair.
We finally finished our 1000 piece Animal Crossing puzzle we started about 18 months ago! We only had the sky and trees left, so it was pretty difficult. But Melody has come a long way in her puzzle skills.
We spent time outside when it was not 100 degrees.
We started attending a new church, and Melody went to VBS.
We went to some events at the library, and we spent time at Let’s Play.
Melody napped.
We had playdates, movie dates, worked in the garage, played games, and had cookies and shaved ice!