Getting on the Cruise Ship April 2022

Getting on the Cruise Ship April 2022

Mom and I went on a cruise back in April. I wanted to share a little bit about our experience getting on the boat. I don’t have many pictures since it was a fairly quick process, but I did take a few.

We arrived at the port around 10:15. We followed the signs to the cruise terminal for the Carnival Liberty. We were in Terminal 3. As soon as we pulled into the parking garage, we were directed to luggage drop off. There were not many people yet, so we literally pulled up, dropped our luggage off, and left.

Then we continued into the garage and paid for parking. My mom paid, but I think it was like $80 for the week. Then we found parking. Since it was early, we were able to park on the main parking deck. We did have to walk up a small staircase, but we were on the main level to go check in.

We had priority check in, so we were able to skip most of the lines. We walked in and they quickly checked us in before leading us to COVID Testing. We opted to pay to test at port. It was a $10 charge to our sail and sign account. It was a risk to test there, but it was dramatically cheaper. Testing was quick, and we waited around 20 minutes for results. It was much longer than my mom had experienced on her cruise a month prior, but it still was much cheaper. Below is the waiting area for testing.

We were done testing around 10:55 am. At this point, they had us verify our tests before leading us to get our cards and take our picture. At this point, they were already taking guests from the VIP Lounge. Luckily as soon as we finished with our picture, they led us right onto the ship since we had priority.

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