April 2022 Carnival Cruise Day Three
Our third day on our cruise was our Princess Cay day. This is a private area owned by Carnival. I am unsure if another cruise company also uses this area. I say area vs. island because it is at the southern end of Eleuthera, Bahamas. So it is not just an entire island to yourself. From what I have read and heard, prior to COVID, there were actually excursions to explore the rest of the island. But I did not hear about that during our cruise. But we were still excited to take part in this port and have a nice beach day!
We had priority departure since we booked a cabana for the day. We arrived at Princess Cay around 7:30 am. We sat on our balcony and watched them tender over food and other supplies before heading down for the first tender of the morning. Since we were able to do the first tender, we were asked to meet in the theater room to be escorted down. However, if you did not have that ability, there were numbers at the coffee shop you could take, and they would call numbers as tenders were available. I took this picture later in the day.
By 8:30, we had tendered over and made our way to our cabana. I plan to share all the details of it in a future post, but I did want to share some now. We opted for cabana 10 for its location. We did not request snorkel gear, so as soon as we arrived on the island, we were able to take a shuttle straight to our cabana. It was mostly ready when we arrived. We had a variety of food and drinks waiting on us. Mom and I took some pictures, stored our food in the fridge, and just lounged around for most of the morning. It was nice enjoying the warmth and just reading without having a kid asking me to dig in the sand. (Don’t get me wrong. I missed my child, but it was a nice getaway too!)
We headed over to get lunch around noon. We had a lot of snacks, but we did want to get some other food as well. We brought it back to our cabana to eat in the AC and drink the drinks we already had. The walk was not bad at all. But similar to my experience at both CoCo Cay and Half Moon Cay, the food is not amazing. But I am not a hamburger and hotdog gal.
After lunch, we continued hanging near and in our cabana. We really enjoyed our time here. We finally decided to start heading back to the ship around 3. We planned to take our time and snap photos along the way, and I noticed some people already leaving. We had until 5, I think. But we decided to go ahead and move on to allow plenty of time to walk and get back for dinner.
We were back on the boat around 3:30, and we literally showered and just took our time getting ready. It was nice just sitting on the balcony and viewing the island as well. Then we headed to dinner around 5:45. Our meal was just ok on this evening, but the sangria I had was AMAZING! I hated I did not discover it until day 3!
After dinner, we went and watched Deal or No Deal in the theater area. There were not any big shows this evening. Instead the Love and Marriage game was later. So we took a break between the two events and went back to our room. We changed into warmer clothes (it can get cold indoors), and we decided to order room service. Again, another things I was sad we didn’t discover sooner. It was basically a BLT using turkey bacon and adding turkey itself. It was YUM! And the game show was just as fun as ever! We called it a night after that around 10:30!