I'm Back!

I'm Back!

Well I never went away, but I have been busy, and blogging has been on the low priority list for me. Between school, extracurriculars, and my Etsy shop, I just have not had the time I would like to write all about our lives and all the things going on in it.

Of course, I have A LOT of content I have not shared with every one over the last two years! Because of that, I will be going back and catching you all up on all the things over the next few months! It may not be as detailed as some of my posts have been, but I want to get it all out there for everyone to see! We have taken Disney trips, beach trips, celebrated many birthdays, finished up lots of fun last summer, celebrated Christmas, and so much more!

Stay Tuned!

Hot Air Balloon Festival

Hot Air Balloon Festival

Pink Glitter Designs Highlight - Valentine's Exchange

Pink Glitter Designs Highlight - Valentine's Exchange