All tagged Kiddie Carnival

Kiddie Carnival 2023

With summer approaching, I thought I would share about our experience at the Kiddie Carnival last summer. I have a more detailed post about all that the carnival has to offer from 2022. So this post is more about the pictures.

June 2023 Fun

Summer is already half way over for us, and it has really been a fast one. I tried not to plan too much this summer, yet we still feel like we are going nonstop. My hopes are the last couple of weeks of July will be calm and full of establishing routines and relaxing. But you can check out all we did in June below!

Kiddie Carnival

One item on our bucket list the last two years was to attend the Kiddie Carnival in Athens. With the way our summer was going, I honestly thought we would miss out on it again this year. But we managed to find time the last weekend they were open in July. We decided to go on a Thursday in hopes the crowds would be smaller.