All tagged Nine Month Old

Melody's Nine Month Schedule

How in the world do I have an almost TEN month old!?  People always tell you time flies after you have kids, but I honestly don't think you fully understand how true this statement is until you have kids in your life.  Sometimes we get to the end of a day, and I am wondering where the day truly went.  It is so crazy how this happens.  So with that, how about her nine month schedule?  Well very, very little has changed.  We have started increasing her solids with the hopes of decreasing her formula.  We have also started feeding her more table food and 3rd foods from the baby food aisle.  Other than that, very little changed from her eight month schedule.  

Melody's Nine Month Pictures

Melody was nine months old on February 25!  She is growing like a weed and learning new stuff everyday!  Below are pictures I took.  We are having formal pictures made in a few days, and I will post those as soon as I have them!