All tagged Squash Casserole

Squash Casserole

So I can be a really lazy cook.  Like I hate to have to cook something, transfer it to a pan, then cook it again in the stove.  I know a lot of times this can't be avoided.  Usually when I cook something like this, I make sure all of the other dishes I am having with it are easy.  Squash casserole is an example of this.  I LOVE squash casserole.  But I really hate putting so much effort into a side dish.  I also felt like this wasn't a great dish to freeze and reheat.  So my recommendation is to make only the amount you think you will eat.  I will for sure do that next time.  This will also only be a dish I make on the weekends or "good" weeknights, ha!  Only due to my pure laziness of course.