All tagged Stocking

Melody's First Christmas Stocking

I wanted Melody's first Christmas stocking to be something special.  I wanted it to be a smaller stocking so that in future years we could include it on our Christmas tree.  That is where Brad's mom keeps his and his brother's first stockings.  I thought this was a neat idea.  I also wanted something with meaning.  Sure, I could go buy a stocking, and I did originally.  We have a "First Christmas" stocking that I found at Hobby Lobby that works with our decor, but I still wanted something more.  So I decided to crochet Melody a stocking.  I found a very, very useful video on youtube.  I did one stocking, but half way through it looked awful!  So I started over.  It took me about 3 days to finish it.  That does seem like a long time, but I have a 6 month old!  And I really only worked on it at night when she went to bed for an hour or so at a time.  I am even considering making full size ones next year for all 3 of us!  Check it out below.