Message in a Bottle Escort Cards

Message in a Bottle Escort Cards

With our beach wedding, I wanted escort cards that would tie into the theme really well.  I spent much time on Pinterest trying to find the right thing.  I ended up deciding to do "Message in a Bottle" escort cards.

I found bottles online at Simon Says STAMP!.  The packages contained an assortment of 9 bottles.  I focused my use on 6 of the bottles.  The other 3 were just too small, but I did have to use them for some at the end.  At that time, that was literally all I could find.  Of course, since our wedding, I can find bottles like these everywhere!

I used pink printer style paper for the inserts.  I thought cardstock paper would be too hard to use due to its thickness.  This paper at Office Depot is similar.  I bought an assortment that contained pink because I used the other colors for my welcome baskets for guests at our condos.

I created a template in Microsoft Word format.  This template, if cut properly, will fit perfectly inside the bottles.  I put a lot of thought into the names in each box.  You do not want to have all one size bottle together, or maybe you do.  Either way, be careful so that you are thinking about how you want the bottle placement to be when placing names in bottles.  I assume you will put them in alphabetically like I did, so just keep that in mind.  I also considered on additional thing - the age of my guests.  I tried not to put older people with the smaller bottles.  The writing is so small, I didn't want people to struggle to read them.  Of course, I could not help this all the time, but I did consider it when I could.

After I printed them, the hard part began.  We had to cut each of these.  Luckily my amazing groom helped me!


Once they were cut, I had to hand write their table numbers on the back of each one.  If you are OCD like me, be sure and check that the numbers are consistently facing the same way.


Now I inserted them in the bottles and placed the cork back on top.


Here are the different sizes completed:


To display these, I found some wooden trays at Old Time Pottery.  They were random colors, but Brad was nice again and painted them all white.  I purchased  4 of these.


To help people know which tray contains which letters, I found these cute tiny chalkboards at Hobby Lobby.


I also purchased a pink chalkboard at Hobby Lobby to write a cute phrase on.  Below is my mock setup.


When we got to the beach, I borrowed some sand, and filled each tray up.  Then I placed all the bottles in alphabetical order in the trays.  Below was the final product!

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