Pieology Review

Pieology Review


As you will be able to tell in one of the pictures below, our first visit to Pieology was a few months ago.  However, we went back recently to try it again, get a few more pictures, and taste their "breadsticks" (more on the quotations to come).  I will say, our second experience was very similar to our first.  So my review will be based on both, but I will specify if there were any differences as I go.


Pieology is located at Bridgestreet in Huntsville.  It is a chain, so you can find it in various cities.  I think Pieology was really needed at Bridgestreet.  A food court area is non-existent at Bridgestreet, so if you want to eat somewhere, your options are scattered.  Secondly, the number of "fast-food" style restaurants are limited.  While I understand that Bridgestreet is supposed to be an upscale outdoor mall, it is nice to be able to grab a quick bite to eat before heading to the movies. 


You only get one shot to view their menu, so take your time!  As soon as you walk in the door, you are greeted with a board that contains the menu.  The menu isn't entirely necessary if you plan to build your own pizzas, but if you want a side dish, a specialty pizza, or just want to know the prices, this menu at the door is your only option.  I expected there to be menus near the register or paper menus to look at while you order, but I was wrong.  That is the reason we did not get "breadsticks" the first trip.



After looking at the menu, you now have to get in line to place your order.  The wall is covered with some famous quotes that you can ponder while you wait.


You will notice that the setup is very similar to a Subway.  The employees are behind glass, and you build your own pizza as you go.  The first thing you are asked is what kind of crust you want.  We always just do the hand made white crust.  Brad and I easily split one pizza.  This is also where the quotations come into play.  Our first trip here, I didn't realize you need to also order your "breadsticks" at this point.  I guess I assumed I ordered them when I paid for them, but I was mistaken.  So I just passed on the breadsticks the first time because I didn't want to look dumb.  Our second trip, I was determined to try them.  I went to order our crust, then followed that up by saying "I would like to also order a side of breadsticks".  The employee literally looked at me and said "What?".  I said "I would like to order a side of breadsticks".  He mumbled "I don't know what those are".  My response was typical of me "Just don't worry about it then".  I had a bit of an attitude as well.  I mean who doesn't know what breadsticks are?!?!?!  Another employee walked up and said "No, we can make them for you.  He is just new."  Apparently since I called them "breadsticks" instead of "Savory Herb Butter Strips" per the menu, he was clueless.


So after you get your crust order in (and "breadsticks"), you proceed down the counter and pick out your sauce(s).  We do herb butter sauce for the crust and red sauce for the center of the pizza itself.


Next are your cheeses.  We simply get mozzarella.


Followed next by your veggies and spices.  The toppings are unlimited, so go wild!  Brad is a complete doll here and allows me to get onions and green peppers all over the pizza.  Typically he doesn't want this, but at Pieology, he allows it!


Lastly are the meats.  We just add pepperoni.


Now your food starts to bake!  At this point you are at the register and are ready to pay for your meal.  You can add drinks and salads here too.  You are then given a number and asked to go find a table.  


The drink station is pretty typical.  Just ordinary fountain drinks with free refills.  


Now just find a table (good luck during the lunch rush), and place your number on your table.  They will bring you your food shortly!




The breadsticks are really good.  They are the same size as the pizzas, so plenty enough to share.  The dipping sauce is just marinara sauce, but it too is good.  Since they are so thin, it is easy to eat a lot of them, but on our trip, we did box about half of them up for leftovers.  They also come out before your pizza, so they are a good appetizer.


Custom Pizza - Pepperoni, Onions, and Green Peppers

I really like the pizza here.  It comes cut into 8 slices.  They do not give you plates if you are splitting, but we managed just fine the two of us. 


Both times we've been here, the crust has been slightly burnt.  I love things burnt (really, I do, ask Brad), but if you aren't a fan, you might could ask them to cook it a little less maybe?


On our first trip, they did not have shakers with red pepper and cheese.  Instead you had to get these packets, which isn't great.  However, the second trip, they had shakers!


Beware of the combination of the plastic forks and tough pizza.  Brad tried cutting his pizza into bites, and the plastic fork broke!


The taste is more important than any of the small things above.  And the taste does prevail!  The pizza is really good, and you can tell it is freshly made (well other than seeing it made before your eyes of course!).  I think it has a great flavor, and the great thing is you can mix and match so much that if you don't love it the first time, maybe you can add some more sauce or a different sauce next time! 



My biggest complaints are the long lines and lack of space.  I am not really sure how Pieology can control either one, however.  The space is kind of set in stone unless they move spaces.  I mean, we have had no trouble getting seats, but the seating is quite limited.  The problem with the lines is the ordering process.  Well that is part of the atmosphere here.  I think the only thing that might help would be having menus when you get to the front.  It might help kids start deciding their toppings before being put on the spot by the employee.  The other cause may be that people don't realize how big these pizzas truly are and that you can easily split them.  This causes people to order 3-5 pizzas per family thinking each person needs one.  Hence line problems.

We would eat here again in a heartbeat, and maybe some of the kinks will all be worked out before we go back.  I mean they did get shakers on each table by the time I returned for my second trip!  Who knows what might change next time I go back!  If you are looking for yummy pizza that is easily customized and inexpensive, give Pieology a try!



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