Nursery Progress
Over the next few months, I am going to keep you updated on our nursery progress. Below are a few pictures of the "before" and "right now". For the next couple of nursery posts, I will be showing pictures of both the future nursery (previously was a craft room) and our guest bedroom. A lot of things from our craft room is going into the guest bedroom. Once it is finished, the focus will solely be the nursery!
Our true before picture of my craft room, soon-to-be nursery.
After many months of stashing things inside my craft room, this is our latest "before".
Day 2 in the nursery
Our "right now" status of our nursery
Our "before" of our guest room. Unfortunately I don't have a "good" before picture. This is after months of storing gifts, clothes, etc.
Day 2 in the guest bedroom
Our "right now" status of our guest bedroom
Stay tuned in the next few weeks for updates!