Why We Love Disney World

Why We Love Disney World

So Brad came up with a fun idea for each of our blogs.  Once a month, we are going to each write about a topic.  Each month alternates who comes up with the topic.  We will not read each other's post until they are live!  Brad was up first this month.  He picked the title "Why We Love Disney World".  You can check out his post over at his blog

I am sure I have mentioned in previous posts, but I am generally a huge Disney fan.  My family grew up going to Walt Disney World.  I have honestly been more times that I can truly count.  I am super blessed to have been given the chance to go so much.  Of course my love for Disney is not just the parks.  I have Disney clothes, Disney decor, Disney DVDs, etc.  My personal love for Disney started at a young age due to my exposure to Disney World.  

When Brad and I were just dating, he really didn't realize the personal obsession I had with Disney.  During our dating years, I only went to Disney World once.  And that was about four months before we were married.  This was primarily because it never lined up correctly with the cruise my mom and I would take.  Anywho, Brad was clueless.

It came time to plan our honeymoon, and we did contemplate for awhile over our choices.  Sure, we could go to Sandals or some other beach somewhere, but at that point in our lives, we were beaching often.  Heck, we were married on the beach!  In regards to a resort like Sandals, we felt like we might not truly appreciate that experience since we didn't have kids.  

I think at first, Disney World was a joking option, but then one day, we both decided it was perfect.  Brad had not been to Disney World in many, many years.  And I absolutely loved Disney World.  I also justified it because we didn't have kids.  Seems like a crazy justification, right?  BUT, I felt like Disney World is a place that would be hard to explain to our kids why we would go without them.  We can justify to our kids why we are going to an adult-only resort  (sorry they don't allow kids), but that excuse doesn't work for Disney World!

So we ultimately decided to honeymoon at Disney World.  For this reason alone, I think *we* love Disney World.  Aside from beach trips, this was our first real trip together as a couple [and obviously as a married couple!].  It was such a fun trip.  It was back in 2013 before magic bands.  It was before fastpass+.  It was before all of the required planning.  We did make a few dining reservations, but that was literally it.  Each night, we looked at the park map and decided what rides we wanted to do the next day.  We stayed at The Contemporary Resort, and we had a gorgeous Bay Lake view.  Not to be corny or cliche, but it was truly magical.  

It was unlike any Disney trip I had been on before.  When I would go with family, it was about the rides.  It was always go, go, go.  But on this trip, I really was able to slow down and experience a new side of Disney.  We enjoyed some amazing food.  We just walked around and took in the shows and sights.  And we did ride some rides too.  Ironically, as a couple, our favorite rides aren't ones you'd expect.  We love Living with the Land, The PeopleMover, etc.  Those are "our" rides.  

We had so many fun and amazing memories from that trip to Disney World.  I really did fall in love with Disney for many more reasons than I ever knew existed.  It really is hard to explain to people who haven't been or don't enjoy it.  People ask why we love to go to Disney so much, but it is really no different than me asking you why you love to go to the beach so much.  It is really a passion, and unfortunately no everyone understands it.

So I love Disney World for us because it is "our" place.  The first experience we had as a couple there was amazing.  The castmembers are amazing; the resort in general is gorgeous; the food is typically stellar; and where else can you visit numerous countries in a matter of hours?  Since getting married, we have been to Disney World 4 or 5 times as a couple [I have been an additional 3-4 times with my mom].  Each time we get to experience something new; whether it is a new restaurant, a new ride, or an existing part of the park we had never visited.  Disney World is somewhere we both love, and there is so many things to do there that we can never get bored!

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