Shower Hostess Gift Ideas Part Two

Shower Hostess Gift Ideas Part Two

About a year and a half ago, I did a blog post with a shower hostess gift idea.  This was for one of my bridal showers.  Below are the gifts I gave my hostesses of my baby showers.  It isn't baby specific so these gifts can be given to a hostess of any shower really.

Household Gift

  • Local Lotion - I found a local boutique that sells homemade hand lotion.  I picked out a scent for each hostess to have.  This gave them something more local rather than just a random bottle of lotion from Bath and Body Works (not that there is anything wrong with Bath and Body Works of course!).
  • Small Plate - My first baby shower was right before Easter, and I found this darling Easter Egg shaped plate at Target.  I picked one for each hostess.
  • Small Bowl - Along with the Easter Egg shaped plates, Target had matching bowls that I just had to pair with the plates!
  • Wine Stopper - Again, with it being Easter, I gave each of the hostesses an Easter Bunny wine stopper.  You can really use any wine stopper that is unique to the occasion or person.
  • Candy - Who doesn't love candy?  I added some candy to the gifts just for extra color

See below for pictures of this gift and how I presented it.  Ironically the color of the lotion scent happened to correspond and match the Easter bowl and plates!

Bath and Body Gift

  • Hand Cream - A local store sells some really neat items and I found some amazing smelling hand cream while looking for the gifts to my second baby shower.  These are larger bottles of hand cream that the hostess can either keep at home by their bedside or even stash in their purse.  It makes your hands feel SO soft!
  • Bath Bomb - This was a last minute discovery at the local store.  I had been given a bath bomb before and knew all about them, but I didn't realize they sold them here!  Apparently they had just got them in, so that worked out perfectly.  They aren't super cheap, and they are a one-time use only bomb, but they are just so adorable, and I could not pass them up!  There is even a little surprise in each one.

We bought these two items at Daisy Lane and they were kind enough to put them in a bag for me.  I think they turned out adorable!

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