What I Want to Do in NYC Next

What I Want to Do in NYC Next

Brad and I went to New York City back in November of 2015.  I did a write up about my planning and our actual trip experience.  There is still so much I want to do that we did not have the chance to do while there.  Below are just a few of those things!

1. Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon - So if you want tickets to see Jimmy Fallon, you have to be quick.  I mean super quick.  They announce the release date of the tickets via twitter.  You then have to go to the web link provided and try to snag tickets.  They have tickets to both the real show and the rehearsal.  They also have a waitlist.  There are several other ways to also get tickets while in New York City.  For instance, they give out a standby pass starting at 9 am each morning.  Then you come back that afternoon to see if there are any tickets available.  But people start lining up much earlier than that.  I am too much of a planner for that though.  I don't want to first wait in a long line for a few hours that morning and then go all day not knowing if we have plans that afternoon.  So when we went before, I was not quick enough with twitter.  Maybe next time I can be!

2. 9/11 Museum - While in New York, we were able to do the 9/11 Memorial and the 9/11 Tribute Center.  Unfortunately we did not do the 9/11 Museum.  When we bought our bus tickets, it came with 3 attractions.  We thought the 9/11 Museum was one of those, but it turns out it was the Tribute Center.  And the lines were extremely long for the Museum, so we did not get a chance to do it.  We will definitely plan ahead and do it next time.  I hear it is a really incredible museum.

3. Broadway Show - Our trip to New York was packed with so many things.  Our last day, we discussed going to a broadway show, but we were not really sure what we wanted to see.  We ended up doing a lot of shopping that morning and early afternoon.  We were both really tired, so we decided to do an early dinner at Ellen's Stardust Diner.  We considered getting tickets after dinner if we saw anything still available.  In the end, we opted to save the broadway show for another visit.  We don't entirely regret it, but the waiter at Ellen's recommended Hamilton.  It was new and amazing he said.  Now we wished we would have seen it due to all the rave about it.  

4. Central Park - Central Park was not even on our radar for this trip.  We semi-planned the trip prior to going to New York, and we really did not think we would have time for something as massive as Central Park.  We were right!  The bus tour passes by Central Park, but we actually did not make it that far on our ride.  Traffic was so bad, we opted to get off the bus early and walk the rest of the way to our hotel on the day we would have ridden by Central Park.  I think Central Park would be fun to go through, but I feel research and planning will be required!  We did get to view it from Top of the Rock however!

5. The Ride Bus Tour - I saw this advertised on the Today Show prior to going to New York.  We decided not to do this particular bus tour since we did the other one for multiple days.  Next time, I think we will still do the hop on, hop off bus, but maybe one day shorter so that we can squeeze this one in.  It looks to be a lot of fun.  I think they even have a special holiday version that would probably be really neat to do as well.

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