Formula Bottle Prep

Formula Bottle Prep

When we transitioned Melody from breast milk to formula, I had to find a way to better prep bottles so that I was not making one bottle at a time.  I tried a couple of methods, but in the end, I found a solution that works great for us right now.  Currently Melody is taking 5 ounce bottles 6 times a day.  As her bottles get bigger, my method may not be the most efficient, but it works great now.  

I decided to purchase an empty spice rack.  I found it on Amazon for really cheap, and since we have Amazon Prime, it was delivered 2 days later!  Each bottle holds enough formula for an 8 ounce bottle.  

First I disassembled the containers and removed the plastic shaker piece since it is not needed.  I washed the bottles and lids in hot, soapy water and let COMPLETELY dry.  You cannot have a speck of water remaining.  As a side note, I do this every two weeks or so.

I fill each of the containers up with formula and use a dry erase marker to label each container so that I know when it is for.  I make 24 hours worth of formula at a time.  Since Melody is taking 6 5 ounce bottles a day, that is 30 ounces of formula worth.  That is 4 containers since each container holds enough formula for an 8 ounce bottle.  I label the lids with the start day/time, end day/time, and then arrows for the in between.  The pictures below will make more sense.

I placed the spice rack in a cabinet with her bottles, other formula, infant medicine, and other baby items.

When I make her bottles, I use the Dr. Brown Formula Mixing Pitcher to mix all of the formula for 24 hours.  I make her bottles after her 5:30 p.m. feeding.  The formula mixing pitcher has literally been a lifesaver.  We went through a week or two of pouring the formula in EACH bottle and shaking.  We still did 24 hours worth, but it was a pain.  And it was not efficient.  For instance, because we did each individual bottle, the spice rack container could only hold one bottle worth of formula.  That meant the spice rack would only last 3 days.  Now it last 4 days, plus we have 2 containers ready for the 5th day.

So you fill the pitcher with the amount of water you need.  Then you pour the formula in the pitcher.  You use the handle and just pull it up and down until the formula is all mixed.  It's that easy!

Once the formula is all mixed, I pour it into the 6 bottles.  I use a bottle warmer to heat it up!

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