Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go

Brad begged me to start playing Pokemon Go from the moment it was released in the App Store.  He would send me links to the app; he would show me the game itself on his phone; and he would constantly ask me to play.  Then one day, he just downloaded it on my phone while I was feeding Melody.  Talk about being sly...

So I caved and created an account.  

The one thing about Brad and me is that we like to do things together.  I think it drives people crazy that we are so involved in each others' lives.  I mean, we do things without each other too, but we love being together.  We always have.  He hates shopping, but he will go because he knows I love it and he wants to hang out with me.  Well, I know that he is going to play Pokemon Go for a while.  He plays it all the time.  He even did his own blog post about it.  So I caved mainly so that I could be part of it with him.  It's fun to be out together and drop by a pokestop, or we will let each other know when we find a pokemon.  So I truly did it for him (even though I still don't 100% understand the game).

I think the game is pretty neat.  Again, I don't really understand the game, but it's fun to get items at pokestops and catch the pokemon in general.  I think it is neat to see kids actually getting out and doing something instead of just sitting inside with their video games.  I mean I know they are still playing games, but at least they are getting exercise while doing it!  Many business are also benefiting from the hype.  Setting lures or doing big events will bring in lots of people; and those people are probably going to buy something even if it's just a drink.  Lastly, people are generally getting along and hanging out.  We've literally drove by a restaurant to see tons of people hanging out outside playing with their phones and talking.  That's not something you saw a lot of before.  

I know people have a lot of negative things to say, and I was one of them at one time.  But since I started playing, I can definitely see the hype.  I don't do a whole lot within the game like most people do, but it is still fun.  In all honesty, the game is not any more crazy than say fantasy football.  Both aren't "real", but people enjoy doing it.  So even if you don't enjoy it or understand the hype, don't knock it until you try it.  

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