4-6 Month Toys

4-6 Month Toys

A while back I did a post about toys we like for our 0-4 month old.  I decided to do an updated post but with 4-6 month toys.  You may notice some similarities, but I think because of their constantly learning brains, they are finding new ways to play with the same old toys.  This isn't an all inclusive list.  Believe me, Melody has way too many toys, but these are some of the toys that she tends to gravitate towards.

1.  A Tummy Time Toy - Melody's favorite tummy time toy now is her Mickey Mouse teeter toddler.  First off, she loves Mickey Mouse.  And she also loves that when she hits it, it bounces right up.  She sometimes will even grab it and try to chew on his ears.  It even makes noise too, but not so annoying that you want to throw it against the wall!

2. A jumper - So Melody loves her jumper!  We were really torn on which one to get her.  So there are the ones that attach to your door frame, but I personally didn't want to deal with that.  I also felt it would limit her since there were not many toys to play with on it.  At one point we did consider getting it since it was so much cheaper, then getting an Exersaucer.  But how we truly made our decision...we put Melody in the jumper above at our local Toys R Us.  She lit up, so we knew we had to get it.  Price really wasn't a big deal because we were using a gift card.  AND, when we bought it, they had a free $25 gift card with an $100 purchase.  Score!  So we ended up getting the Baby Einstein Sensory Symphony Jumper.  It was one of our best purchases.  She absolutely loves it.  It is a close first in her all time favorite toys, right next to her piano. 

3. Cloth Baby Book - So Melody has had these for a while, but didn't really love them until semi-recently.  I was given one by my OBGYN, but then I found a couple at Walmart for only $2.  You can get the more expensive ones like I have linked above but the cheap ones work just fine.  They keep her entertained for quite a while.  We love them at restaurants because they don't make too much noise, but they make just enough to grab her attention.

4. A Teether - So we have tried numerous teethers, but until recently, we have not found ones she liked.  That is key.  Find ones that they like.  Teething is awful.  So, so awful.  We finally found two she loves.  They are some of her favorite toys now when she is cranky.  Mainly because if she is cranky it is because of her teeth!  One thing is a ring from Walmart.  I linked the best I could find, but I found ours in stores.  The last thing are these keys from Walgreens.  She loves them so much we got two pair!  We are considering getting more!

So none of these toys are super fancy, but they are some of the most important ones we seen at this age.  Like I said before, she has too many toys!  But these are just some of her favorites and must haves!

Melody's Seven Month Pictures

Melody's Seven Month Pictures

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Melody's Six Month Schedule