All tagged Five Months Old

4-6 Month Toys

A while back I did a post about toys we like for our 0-4 month old.  I decided to do an updated post but with 4-6 month toys.  You may notice some similarities, but I think because of their constantly learning brains, they are finding new ways to play with the same old toys.  This isn't an all inclusive list.  Believe me, Melody has way too many toys, but these are some of the toys that she tends to gravitate towards.

Melody's Five Month Schedule

So Melody's schedule only changed slights from her four month schedule.  When she was around 4 1/2 months old, we introduced her to solids.  So now we have two feedings of solids a day.  Our pediatrician recommended one feeding of solids at first, then after about 2 weeks, we added the second feeding.  I will admit, Melody didn't take to solids very well.  So we actually took a break for about 2 weeks, then picked back up at 6 months.  The goal is just to get Melody used to a spoon and eating.  We haven't changed her bottle size either.  I have updated everything we changed below.