Pumpkin Patch 2017

Pumpkin Patch 2017


A few weeks ago we visited Lyons Family Farms to see their Pumpkin Patch.  We went last year, so I suppose we have started a yearly tradition. This year the girls were obviously older, so they were able to do a lot more.  The other big difference was the temperature.  Last year we were super cold, especially that morning.  This year we were burning up.  I had to go out the day before and get short sleeve dresses for the girls since their long sleeves wouldn't work!

We arrived around 8:30 am.  They did not open until 9, so we let the girls run around a bit.

There was a cute setup outside of the pumpkin patch that we let the girls stand in front of for a few pictures before they got dirty!

We opted for no stroller, so whenever Melody started to run away, Brad had to hold her [and she screamed, haha].

We had to take our annual picture by the growth chart!  She has grown a bit from last year, but she would not stand still!


We were able to sneak in one family photo before things went crazy and the girls started playing. This was the only family photo of the day unfortunately.


We first let the girls go down an inflatable slide.  I only had a video of this, no pictures.  She would only go down the slide with Brad.  She started crying when they got to the top, but she was smiling by the time they made it down the slide.

After the slides, she took off running towards the swings.  All she wanted to do all day was swing. We have a freakin' swing at home!  We had to keep encouraging her to play in other areas!  But she sure did love the swings.

After the swings, we went and slid on a few slides.  There was even one slide we let her go down by herself.  She looked terrified but started giggling near the bottom.


After the slides, we went to a jumbo trampoline.  All Melody wanted to do was run on it, no jumping.  Of course she fell numerous times.  Luckily she didn't slide off!


We did a few more things throughout before heading to the actual pumpkin patch/hay ride.  Although it isn't a hay ride [which I actually like].  After they dropped us off, I took lots of pictures of the girls.  Of course my kid was eating her snack because that was the only way to keep her happy.  I took a few of them together.

I took one with Melody by myself.


Then I took a few of the girls by themselves.

Then we headed back, paid for our pumpkins, bought a few snacks, and headed home!


We had a lot of fun, and I am sure we will return next year!

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