Eggs Benedict

Eggs Benedict

I absolutely love eggs benedict.  Whenever we eat breakfast or brunch somewhere that offers it on their menu, I will order it.  My favorite local restaurant that offers brunch on the weekends is called Grille 29.  They serve a crabcake eggs benedict that is to die for.  We also have a local bakery, Edgar's Bakery, that serves a similar version.  I most recently had it while staying at the Opryland Hotel.  While Brad was off work during the holidays, I really wanted to try making it myself.  Unfortunately we never got around to it.  So a few weekends ago, I decided I wanted to make it, so I bought all the ingredients and attempted it.  I found the recipe on Food Network's website.  I had never made poached eggs before, so this was definitely a new adventure.  I also cut the recipe in half.

Hollandaise Sauce

Ingredients [2 Servings]

  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice (I used store bought)
  • 1/4 cup of melted butter (I used salted butter)
  • Cayenne pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste


  1. Crack egg yolks in metal bowl and add lemon juice [picture 1 and 2]
  2. Whisk vigorously until thick [picture 3]
  3. Place bowl over a pan of boiling water (water should not touch bowl) [picture 4]
  4. Whisk continuously while adding melted butter [pictures 5 and 6]
  5. Sauce should thicken but the egg itself should not scramble [picture 7]
  6. Add cayenne pepper and salt to taste

Eggs Benedict

Ingredients [2 servings]

  • 4 slices of Canadian bacon [I buy precooked]
  • 2 English muffins
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar
  • 4 eggs

Instructions [I made this three times...below is the order I made it]

  1. Melt Butter for hollandaise sauce
  2. Fill a saucepan/skillet half full of water; add vinegar; bring to a boil (poached eggs) [picture 1]
  3. Start boiling water for hollandaise sauce
  4. Start making hollandaise sauce (step 1 and 2 above)
  5. After finishing step 2 above, start cooking Canadian bacon (takes about 5 minutes) [picture 2]
  6. Split English muffins and broil for about 3 minutes [pictures 3 and 4]
  7. Crack eggs into boiling water (do not break yolk); reduce heat; cook for around 3-4 minutes [picture 5]
  8. While bacon, muffins, and eggs are cooking, finish hollandaise sauce
  9. Once everything finishes, start plating: English muffins [picture 6], Canadian bacon [picture 7], poached egg (drain with slotted spoon) [picture 8], and top with hollandaise sauce [pictures 9]
  10. Serve!
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