What to Wear to Disney in May

What to Wear to Disney in May

I love going to Disney World during the Flower and Garden Festival.  It is absolutely gorgeous at Epcot.  The first time I attended was during our honeymoon in 2013.  I actually did not really know what it was, but when we arrived, it was stunning.  We went back for our 2nd anniversary as well. They also used to have Star Wars Weekends, but they no longer do that anymore.  We have found May to be great because it isn't very crowded, but the weather can be fairly warm.  I have written two previous posts regarding what to wear to Disney World in January and in September.  I find May to be very similar to September.  It is actually a little bit cooler in May, but not by much.  The highs are usually in the mid-to-upper 80's, and the lows are usually in the high 60's.  Generally I recommend shorts/skirts, short sleeve shirts, or dresses.  Below are some of the specific outfits both Brad and I have worn.  I hope this helps if you are planning a trip around May!


Brad usually wears polos and khakis shorts.  He also wears comfortable walking shoes.  On occasion he will wear t-shirts.  He usually will only do this when it is for a certain occasion.  Below you will notice we wore one with Jedi Mickey.  He wanted to wear a Star Wars shirt to the Star Wars Dinner.


My outfits vary.  I sometimes will wear skirts, long or short.  I love New Directions maxi skirts.  They are extremely comfortable and always cute.  I usually buy mine from Belk.  I also like plain cotton knee length skirts.  I can usually find some at Old Navy.  My only tip with skirts is to potentially wear something like bikers' shorts underneath.  It will help with any chaffing!  Gold Bond spray powder will also help!  I like to pair my skirts with a more fitted short sleeve top.  I usually buy cotton ones from Old Navy or The Gap.  

When I do not wear skirts, I will sometimes wear shorts.  You can usually find some great deals on shorts from Old Navy and The Gap as well.  (I buy a lot of my Disney clothes from those two places!)

I love to wear dresses to Disney though!  You will see that in a lot of my pictures below.  I like to wear simple cotton dresses.  I have bought a couple from Disney (notice the Minnie Mouse one below), but the others came from Old Navy, The Gap, The Loft, and Ann Taylor.  I know some people think dresses are crazy, but I love the comfort of them.  I will usually pair them with leggings or bikers' shorts to make it easier to get on and off the rides.  

I love to wear Skechers GoWalks.  Those are my go to shoes.  I will sometimes wear regular tennis shoes if they will go with my outfit, but I still prefer the GoWalks.  The GoWalks are just generally more comfortable and rarely produce blisters.  I have also been known to wear flip flops, but I do not recommend that!

Below are pictures from both of our trips in May.

Melody's Ten Month Pictures

Melody's Ten Month Pictures

Melody's Nine Month Schedule

Melody's Nine Month Schedule