Butterfly Feet

Butterfly Feet

For Mother's Day, Brad came up with a cute craft we did with Melody.  I didn't really go in to too much detail on my original post, so I thought I would elaborate.  

He bought an easel just big enough for both of her feet to cover it from Hobby Lobby.  We used two paint colors unsure of how Melody's movement would mix the colors.  He picked yellow and blue so that if they mixed together it would make green.  Be sure and use non-toxic paint!  

We opted to do the painting inside so we laid down a plastic cloth to protect the floor.  I painted her feet while Brad held her.  I did the toes and top yellow and the heel blue.  Then I pressed her feet against the easel.  You should do the feet opposite to make better wings for the butterfly.  Also be sure and put the feet semi-close together.  

Once you have completed both feet, let dry.  Once dry, use a sharpie to dry the butterfly's body.  We also dated it at the bottom.

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