Couples Shower Invites

Couples Shower Invites

One other "craft" I was in charge of for my cousin's couples shower in Memphis was the invitations.  My mother-in-law knows I love doing things like this, so it made sense.  At the time, our theme was Hometown Memphis.  Both the bride and groom are from Memphis but currently live in Ft. Lauderdale.  Since the shower was being held in Memphis, it made sense to make the them Memphis based.  

The first thing I did for the invites was draw the skyline.  That was going to be the focal point.  I drew this using Pixelmator. I picked a couple of trademarked buildings/landmarks and then added other items to fill in the gaps.  

I wanted to be sure and include critical information throughout the invite...Hometown BBQ, couples shower, the bride and groom, date, time, location, hostess, RSVP info, and registry info.  As an added touch to the invitation, Included music notes as "dividers".

When mailing the invitations, I purchased Elvis stamps to help tie in the theme. 

We displayed the invitation at the shower.

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