All tagged BBQ Couples Shower

Shadow Box Guestbook

One of the items I was in charge of for my cousin's couples shower in Memphis was the guestbook.  I contemplated many different options.  My original thought was to try and do some sort of guestbook that tied directly to the theme of the shower...Memphis, BBQ, Elvis, etc.  My best friend had a cute idea of getting everyone to sign an Elvis record.  My biggest concerns were a) how would they display it; b) how expensive it would potentially be; c) how easy would this be to do.  I decided in the end to go a safer route.  I saw various shadow box ideas, but decided to just come up with a version of my own.

Couples Shower Invites

One other "craft" I was in charge of for my cousin's couples shower in Memphis was the invitations.  My mother-in-law knows I love doing things like this, so it made sense.  At the time, our theme was Hometown Memphis.  Both the bride and groom are from Memphis but currently live in Ft. Lauderdale.  Since the shower was being held in Memphis, it made sense to make the them Memphis based.  

Hometown Memphis Couples Shower

A few weekends ago, I helped host a shower with some of Brad's family for one of his cousins who is getting married later this summer.  They live in South Florida, but both his cousin and his fiancĂ© are from Memphis.  My mother in law came up with a "hometown" theme.  Memphis is know for their BBQ, so that was a must.  Then we decided to incorporate both Elvis and the Memphis skyline.  The shower was a team effort.  Below is the final product of that effort.  I am going to do a few posts later about the crafts I did specifically though.