Coloring with Melody

Coloring with Melody

So I recently read in a parenting magazine that by age 15 months, a child should start attempting to color with crayons.  By two, they should be able to use crayons on their own.  Well it never truly crossed my mind to let my almost 15 month old use crayons.  Mainly because she still puts most things in her mouth that she picks up.  Well the other day I went to Target and decided to get some jumbo crayons and a cute coloring book.  I have regular crayons at home, but I know she will break those quickly, so I wanted some larger, more durable ones.  I sat her down at her picnic table [yep we still have this table in our house!], and I let her color.  It went much better than I expected, and the crayon only made it in her mouth twice!  Success!

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