All tagged Melody Crafts

Book Craft

For Brad’s birthday, Melody made him a book. It was a fun craft that Melody enjoyed making for him. I always try to come up with fun crafts for her to make for him, and it gets harder and harder. But I found these blank books at Target, and I thought they would be perfect!

Rainbow Sunshine

I am almost done writing all about our crafts from our time during quarantine. This one Melody seemed to really enjoy. It was a quick craft, but it still had enough detail involved that it kept her busy.

Best Dad Trophy

When I asked Melody what craft she wanted to make for Brad for his birthday, she asked to make him a trophy. While that would be a perfect thing for Brad to make using his 3D printer, my Silhouette was going to be tricky. I did come up with a design to make one from paper that would stand up, but it failed. But I did keep the trophy itself I made and it is now just a paper one. And Melody (and Brad) still loved it.

Handprint Work Gloves

For my dad’s birthday, we made a craft using work gloves and Melody’s handprint. I saw this a while back and knew I had to recreate it. I do wish the gloves did not have a logo on it, but I also didn’t want to pay an astronomical amount on gloves that I do not intend for him to use.

Paper Spinners

I found this idea of paper spinners on the Crayola website. Melody is still a bit young to really enjoy playing with them, bu she was able to help with most of the craft.

Jellyfish Paper Plate

The jellyfish paper plate craft was a good craft to keep a toddler busy for a while! Well at least the way I did it. You also don’t need much for this craft: a paper plate, colors/markers/paint, yarn, and either some googly eyes or a black sharpie.

Watermelon Matching Game

During all of our homeschooling due to COVID-19, we had to get creative with our crafts. Crafts are Melody’s favorite. I found this one on Crayola’s website. It was a really easy craft to make, and we continue to play with it even today. Melody doesn’t follow instructions 100%, but your child may, ha!

Craft Stick Sunshine

If you are looking for a fairly easy craft to do to remind you of the outside while not suffering in the high humidity, this is it, ha! You can improvise with supplies if you don’t have what I used on hand, and it is easy for just about any age to do.

DIY Matching Game

So this was far from an original idea, but it was a really great one and we had everything on hand to do this. I found this on Oriental Trading’s website. It is really easy to make, and a fun game to play for toddlers.

Preschool Teacher Gift

So obviously teacher gifts were a little harder this year. We did get to see Melody’s teachers briefly during a pickup of their things this week. So I wanted to do something small along with a gift card. So I opted to make bookmarks just like I made our moms for Mother’s Day. I won’t go into much detail since it’s exactly the same, but I did leave a blank copy below if you want to make your own!

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Ten

So this would have been Melody’s last week of school and her last week of dance before her recital this past weekend. Well we know the ending to that story, right? We actually get to go to her preschool this week and pick up her things since we unexpectedly stopped school. It will be through the carline and we won’t get to hug or see any of her classmates, but at least this does give us some closure. As far as her dance recital, it has been postponed until June. And she actually gets to go back to dance class next week! Yay! Anyhow, onto the week. We did school as usual, but Melody was not into getting dressed in her tutu and tights for dance, so we didn’t argue. Our biggest battle this week was learning to brush our teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Anything that involves change is a battle. But by the end of the week she wasn’t fighting us as much!

Miss You Coloring Sheet

During the beginning of the quarantine, Melody was really missing her grandparents (and friends and anyone that wasn’t Brad or me, ha!). So I decided to make a coloring sheet that she could send to our parents. I hoped she would make it more colorful, but purple is her favorite color! And she decided to make the hearts faces, haha.

Color Mixing

I decided to make a color mixing sheet using Microsoft Word to show Melody what colors make when mixed together. This is actually a really fun and semi-mess free “craft”. We have mixed colors beyond the primary colors too. When we do this craft, I let her go through all of my paint and pick all the colors she wants to mix together. We then use q-tips to do the mixing which makes this a pretty clean activity even while using paint!

Mother's Day Bookmark

So this year we obviously have a lot more time at home to do and prepare for things. One thing we do a LOT of are crafts (in case all of my posts these days doesn’t give that away). Well I wanted to do something fun for our mom’s (and myself) for Mother’s Day this year. So I decided to make us all bookmarks! You don’t have to do everything I do for this; I just happen to have a lot of craft supplies, ha!

Painted Chick

We did this craft before Easter, but I think it also can be a craft you can do anytime. It is another unique craft in that you don’t use a paint brush. And if your kid is a little older, they should be able to do it all without little help!

Fingerprint Cross

So while we did this craft as an Easter craft, it can definitely be a craft you can do anytime of year. We plan to display this cross year around. Because of this, I did it on a canvas instead of regular paper. But this also can be done on regular paper too!