Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday

Weekends have always been busy for Brad and me, even before Melody.  We were constantly traveling somewhere or doing something locally.  Well much hasn't changed since having Melody in that regard.  We are constantly doing something or going somewhere.  We do not travel as long distance as we once did, but we still travel to see our families frequently and spend time with my best friend here.  With that said, it is exceptionally rare to get a lazy weekend day.  On a typical Friday-Sunday, one day/evening is spent with Emily, Justin, and Lydia; one day is spent with my parents for at least a portion of said day; then the other day is usually a prep day of some sort [groceries, lunches, meals, etc.].  Well my parents recently went on a cruise, so we had an extra day at home alone.  We decided to just have a fun lazy Sunday just the three of us.

Melody spent the morning still in her pajamas playing with her Itty Bitty Baby.

We cuddled on the couch for a bit and watched some Mickey Mouse.

Melody tried on a new outfit I bought from Sparkle in Pink.

She recently found her purse she got for Christmas, so she is totally obsessed with carrying it around.

She met her daddy at the door when he got home from running an errand [he can't just sit ALL day].

We changed into play clothes and went outside for a bit.

Melody and daddy cuddled for a bit.

Then we went for a ride in the wagon after dinner!

Weekends like this are needed every now and then!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Let's Play - Huntsville

Let's Play - Huntsville