Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday Daddy!


Yesterday was Brad's 34th birthday!  We started out the morning with the breakfast of his picking...French Toast and link sausage. 


Unfortunately Brad had to work and could not take off, so Melody and I hung out at home and even snapped a few pictures for him throughout the day.  

We did meet him for lunch at the mall, but I didn't snap a picture there.  After he got home from work, I snapped a few pictures though!

Brad wanted Texas de Brazil for dinner, so we headed there.  This was one of the worst restaurant behavior for Melody in all the times we have went out to eat.  We do not shy away from taking her out to eat, but last night she wanted no part of dinner.  Part of the problem is that they did not have much she would eat.  I brought food for her, but it only lasted so long.  She did eat some of the bread and a few pieces of bacon.  I brought her two packs of applesauce and some puffs.  She did bump her head on the table half way through dinner and that was the end for her.  So we took turns holding her so that her crying would stop.  We didn't want to disturb everyone else's dinner.  We are currently going through a phase where we scream like crazy if we are not getting our way.  It is awful.  I also snapped a few pictures of my dinner!  I did have some meat later, but my favorite part is the salad bar!  I LOVE their lobster bisque and salad.

Brad walked outside with Melody while I paid to help calm her down.


It only worked for a little bit...

When we got home, we sung Happy Birthday to Brad and had Transformers cake with ice cream.  He also opened his birthday presents from Melody and me [his cute present from Melody is below].

Then we played in the floor with Melody and let her burn off some energy.  She was definitely in a better mood once home!

Brad said he had a really good birthday this year.  He does so much for the two of us (and everyone really), so I really do hope he had a wonderful birthday this year!  Although I am certain it did not top last year when Melody decided to learn how to put her paci back in her mouth by herself for the first time!

BBQ Pork Chops

BBQ Pork Chops

Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday