Melody Lately

Melody Lately


It has been awhile since I did a Melody post.  I don't have a lot of schedule changes like she did her first year, so I don't feel like I am updating about her as much.  So I thought I would do a post all about Melody lately!

So after Christmas, Melody and Brad both got the stomach virus/flu.  I was lucky that I did not get it when they did.  However, I did get it two days later [I am certain I contracted it from Melody].  So we spent a week trying to all heal from that awful sickness.

She recovered much faster than Brad and me!

With Brad being off for Christmas break, we went and got breakfast out one morning.


Melody ate her favorite messy food, Nutella sandwiches!


We spent New Year's Eve with friends!

Melody climbs step ladders, and she loves to open [and close] her new toy box Santa brought her.

She has become obsessed with reading more and more lately.

She loves her new "real" sink her cousin bought her.  So fun [and lots of messes, ha!]


Daddy got some time to nap with Melody before he headed back to work from Christmas break.

We have some had some bitter cold days, but I would let her go out for a few minutes at a time.  She would throw a fit when we came back in.

Alabama won another National Championship! Roll Tide!!  She got to cheer some before she had to go to bed.


We got to spend some time at Let's Play and burn some of our pent up energy!

We've become obsessed with the cowboy boots we got for Christmas.


Melody decided she doesn't always want to sit in a highchair for meals.

She's been trying new things lately, including salsa!


We finally had a few warm days, and she got to spend some time outside.  She loves to wave at the airplanes as they fly over our house!

And she is still so darn cute!!

Oh and Brad and I went on a date :)



Chicken Parmesan

Chicken Parmesan