Disney Day 7 - Saturday

Disney Day 7 - Saturday


Today was the VERY end of our Disney trip.  This won't be too lengthy of a post simply because the majority of our day was spent driving!  But I did want to finish up our trip report!

Our goal was to head out around 5 am.  We set our alarm for 4 am.  Since we all showered right before going to bed, we planned to get up and get at it.  We didn't plan to shower or anything.  I didn't even put on makeup or attempt to fix my hair.  We even left Melody in her pajamas.  Brad loaded the car, and we were able to leave at 5:15.  Not too bad for an ending to a trip!

Brad drove first.  I stayed awake through the tolls, then I slept as much as I could.  We stopped in Lake City, FL to gas up and get breakfast.  There was a Chick-fil-A we stopped at that had an indoor playground.  So after lunch, we let the girls play for awhile to try and burn some energy.

Next up was my turn to drive.  I did have to make one stop around 9:45 to use the restroom and wake up, but I continued my turn of driving until we stopped for lunch in Macon, GA around noon.  We gassed up again and stopped for lunch at another Chick-fil-A.  We couldn't let the girls play for too long because there were a lot of older kids playing, and our girls try and get in the middle of them.  


We ran into some icy roads in Atlanta, but we were able to avoid them for the most part.  When we got into Alabama, we noticed a potential wreck/construction, so we ended up taking backroads almost the entire way home.  Brad drove the rest of the way.  We stopped once around 4 (central) for a restroom stop, but we ultimately made it home around 4:45 pm (central).  

After getting home, we noticed Melody's spots were MUCH worse.  And for those interested, it turns out the doctor thinks it was either a virus (unlikely since Lydia was never impacted) or she had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic she was on.  We discontinued the antibiotic, and she is now fine!

It ultimately took us 12.5 hours to get home which wasn't awful.  Remember it took us 14 hours to get there, but we did stop at nicer restaurants instead of fast food.  The trip as a whole was great.  I would't really change a whole lot about it.  We aren't planning to take Melody back for another year or so just due to us wanting to take some other trips next year, but she did really good for her age, I think.  Now back to reality!

Magnet Vacation Countdown

Magnet Vacation Countdown

Disney Day 6 - Friday

Disney Day 6 - Friday