All tagged Disney 2017

Festival of the Arts

I have attended the Festival of the Arts 4-5 times now. And I have attended the Festival each year that Epcot has had it. It is not my most favorite Festival, but it is my second favorite (maybe one day I will do a post ranking the Epcot festivals and why, ha!). Anyhow, we go to this Festival so often because it takes place in January and February when we travel to Disney the most. I have yet to do a post just about the Festival, so I thought I would do it this year. I will show a few of the things we did each year, but my main focus will be 2019 since that is the most recent Festival.

Disney Day 6 - Friday

Today was a sad day.  It was our very last day at Disney!  While we were excited about some of the things we had planned, we were also sad that our trip was literally almost over.  It was also a misty day.  It wasn't raining enough for a poncho, but it was sprinkling enough to frustrate you!

Disney Day 5 - Thursday

Today was an early morning.  We had a breakfast reservation at Be Our Guest at 8:20 am.  I wanted to be there fairly early so that we would be able to get in closer to 8 and take a few pictures with a fairly empty park.  Our only other reservation for the day was for Emily and Justin at Hollywood and Vine for dinner.  We also had Fastpasses scheduled in Magic Kingdom after breakfast.

Disney Day 4 - Wednesday

Today was meant to be our "break" day.  We did have lunch reservations at Biergarten at Epcot along with a couple of Fastpasses.  None of our Fastpasses were "required", but since we had a park ticket that day, we opted to book some Fatpasses just in case.  The night before, Brad and I decided to try and make it to Epcot at park opening and do a few things before lunch.  Then we could spend the afternoon and evening around the resort or at Downtown Disney.

Disney Day 3 - Tuesday

Tuesday was scheduled to be our busiest day yet.  We planned to visit three parks - Epcot, Magic Kingdom, and Animal Kingdom.  We had breakfast reservations at Garden Grill at 8:05, an hour before park opening.  Then we had Fastpasses to the Na'Vi River Journey between 7 and 8 pm.  The park closes at 8.  So it was going to be a very, very long day!  Long, hot, busy days tend to lead to breakdowns.  Check out ours below!

Disney Day 2 - Monday

Our second day of our trip to Disney was actually our first full day in Orlando.  Since we traveled so much the day before, we decided to take the morning easy.  We made lunch reservations at the Garden Grill for noon.  So that was our only true deadline.  Our plans otherwise were to spend the day at Epcot.  We had a few Fastpasses for that afternoon and dinner planned at Chefs de France.

Disney Day 1 - Sunday

Since we opted to drive to Disney with an 18 month old, we decided to leave our house as early as possible.  We wanted Melody to sleep as much of the drive as we possibly could.  We opted to leave at 2 am.  On a "normal" drive, it takes 10-11 hours.  Plus there is an hour time difference.  We usually only stop once for food and, at most, once for gas.  I knew that was not going to be the case with this drive however.

Picture Frame Vacation Countdown

This is by far the easiest countdown that I have ever made for a trip.  Of course this countdown was made for our December Disney trip.  Simply design something in Word or any other document editor that you prefer.  I simply drew a Mickey head, added a bow, and this was where the days would be listed.  Then I added wording to better explain what the countdown was for.  I printed the countdown on regular printer paper.  Then I cut it to the frame size that I was using.  I literally just found a frame around our house that wasn't being used.  I framed the print out and each day, I changed the number using a dry erase marker.  Easy-peasy! 

December 2017 Disney Planning

So we just got back from a trip to Disney World.  We have been planning this trip for almost a year.  Not only was it Brad, Melody, and me, but we also went with Justin, Emily (my best friend), and Lydia.  Quite a lot of planning went into this trip...a lot more than our trip back in February.  February was a much smaller trip, and there wasn't as many people to plan for!  Check out all of the details below!

Disney's Baby Care Centers

So I have been meaning to write about the Baby Care Centers at Walt Disney World for quite a while.  I mean we last visited them in February!  However, it has been falling on the back burner.  With us planning another trip at Christmas, I decided I probably need to look back at the Baby Care Centers for myself for some planning purposes.  So why not write about them now?!

Disney Monorail Countdown

On our February 2017 trip to Disney World, I wanted a cute countdown that wasn't too involved.  I had just returned from a trip to Disney World with my mom.  Therefore, the countdown would need to be fairly short.  Since Melody was so young, she really wouldn't be involved in this countdown.  So I came up with just an easy countdown that begin 12 days out from our trip.  I used the monorail as inspiration and Pinterest too!  See below.

Stroller Tag

On our recent trip to Disney World, we knew we would be using our stroller A LOT due to having an 8 (almost 9) month old!  If you have ever been to Disney, you may have noticed the sea of strollers.  You are required to park your strollers a lot.  You cannot take your strollers in most lines at the park or inside of a lot of the buildings.  And in that sea of strollers, they all can start to look alike.  We decided to make a stroller tag that would at least give it some distinction.

Pop Century Resort Review

In February 2017, we traveled to Disney World with Melody for her first trip.  We decided to stay at a value resort because we are planning to return to Disney World later this year and stay at a nicer resort.  This trip was meant to be a short trip so we didn't want to invest the same money in this one as our one later.  This was Brad's first stay at a value resort.  I have stayed value many times with my mom and parents.  I have stayed at every All Star resort, but we most commonly stay at the All Star Sports Resort.  With Brad, we have stayed at The Contemporary, Saratoga Springs, and Port Orleans Riverside.  This was going to be a big change for Brad, but he was on board with it.

February 2017 Disney World Trip Report Part Five

This wraps up my trip reports for our February 2017 Disney World visit.  It was Melody's first time at Disney World.  You can read about all of our days here (one, two, three, four).  We did not visit a park on this day.  I had contemplated it since our flight wasn't until that afternoon, but seeing that we had Melody with us, I thought it would be too difficult.  If it were just Brad and me, I think we could have easily visited a park on this day.

Sunshine Seasons

Our favorite part of Epcot is The Land.  In Brad's words "The moment I walk into The Land, I really feel like I have arrived at Disney World!"  I am not 100% sure why it feels that way for us, but it does.  We do love Soarin', but we REALLY love Living with the Land.  We also love the Garden Grill.  And we love to just sit and relax in Sunshine Seasons.  Of all the times we have just relaxed here, we have never actually had a meal here.  Typically we eat all Table Service restaurants when we are at Epcot.  They just have so many, it is hard not to.  But on our recent trip to Disney World, we had both lunch and dinner here.


On our recent trip to Disney World, we tried PizzeRizzo at Hollywood Studios.  This wasn't pre-planned by any means (we originally planned to eat at Backlot Express).  We did plan to eat somewhere at Hollywood Studios for lunch, and we preferred something quick-service to save money.  While Brad was riding Star Tours around 12:30 p.m. or so, Melody and I waited in the Muppet Courtyard in some shade we found.  I have no desire to ride Star Tours unless I am riding it WITH Brad, so we did not do a rider swap for this attraction.  When Brad was finished and came to find me, it occurred to be to try PizzeRizzo since we were literally already right there!  And pizza was the one thing we had not eaten this entire trip.  Below is a quick review!

The Trolley Car Cafe

On our recent trip to Disney World, we visited The Trolley Car Cafe for a quick breakfast.  We wanted something semi-filling, but we didn't have time to sit down anywhere.  This was the first thing we saw as we were walking down Hollywood Boulevard.  Check out my review below.

February 2017 Disney World Trip Report Part Four

Today is part four of my trip report from our February visit to Disney World.  You can find Part OneTwo, and Three in previous posts.  Just a reminder, this was Melody's first visit to Disney World.  This was our third park day, and we decided to go to Hollywood Studios that morning.  Our plan was to go to Animal Kingdom that evening.  The night before we did decide to skip Animal Kingdom because we wanted to go back to Epcot.  We also didn't quite follow the plan down to each ride, but overall we stayed on track.  Check it out below!