Melody's First Movie
We have contemplated when the right time to take Melody to see her first movie would be. Well Brad is off for most of December, so we thought that would be the perfect time. We wanted to go in the morning time so that she was happier, and it would be less crowded. We opted to go see Wreck-It Ralph 2. It has enough Disney cameos throughout the movie that it would keep her entertained through that.
We went to a 9 am movie, and we were one of two families there. It was really nice because we had the entire top row to ourselves.
Melody stayed seated most of the time. She started off in her own seat, then wanted to cuddle next to me during the previews and eat popcorn. She loved the previews and kept asking if we could watch one more (asking for one more is her thing lately).
Once the movie started, she sat with me for a bit, then decided to move next to Brad. She wanted to eat popcorn with him now, ha! She sat next to him, in his lap, then even moved to the sit on the opposite side of him at one point.
She only got out of her seat a few times, which was much better than I expected. And she seemed to really enjoy most of the movie. There were a few times she asked to go bye-bye, but for the most part she was pretty focused. She loved whenever Snow White would come on the screen.
After the movie, we were sure to take a few pictures around the theater before heading to get lunch.
Overall I think she did really well. We are planning to go see Mary Poppins Returns over Christmas, and I am a little nervous about that. Mainly because I am not sure how she will behave in a fuller theater where she doesn’t have room to move (our theater has HUGE seats that recline), and we will likely go see it with her cousins. So I am not sure how she will do with the added distraction, but we will see! But regardless, I am excited about how she did and that this opens up new things for us to do in the future!