Disney on Ice (again)

Disney on Ice (again)


Melody has been to see Disney on Ice three times now.  She went once when she was about 4-5 months old, then she went again last year at about 16 months old.  Our third visit was a few weeks ago here in Huntsville.  It was part of her birthday present from Emily.  Brad wasn't super interested in going since he has been twice before, so it ended up being just a girls' trip.  Since it was local, this was really easy to do.  My mom even tagged along to see the show too.  

We got there about an hour early.  We really were not sure how long security would take, and we wanted plenty of time to get some snacks and get settled with both girls.  We had four seats.  Technically Melody was under two on our visit, so she didn't need a ticket.  However, Lydia did.  Emily bought us seats on the end of a row, and the view was perfect.  Although there really isn't an awful seat for these shows.

Parking was a breeze, and so was security.  Once we made it in, we went and found our seats.  We sat for a little bit and let the girls play in the little bit of space we had in front of Lydia's seat.  

After a little bit, we made our way to the concessions and had a restroom visit.  We ended up just getting popcorn and drinks.  We had to get fancy popcorn because the concession stands weren't selling any.  It was $12 for popcorn!  But it was truly the only thing I knew Melody would eat.

We let the girls do some snacking while sharing Lydia's seat.


Then the show started!  Melody split her time between Lydia's seat, my lap, and Nana's lap!

The girls loved all of the music and seemed to really enjoy this show more than their last one.

We let the girls walk a bit during intermission, then it was back to the show!  Melody enjoyed making herself comfortable, ha!

Then it was all over!


I love Disney on Ice shows.  And luckily after all of our shows, we haven't seen the same one twice.  They all seem to tell the same story but in such a different way.  Melody did really well at this show, and it is the first one she actually stayed awake for!  And it also gives us a little bit of Disney without being in Orlando!

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