All tagged Disney on Ice

Disney on Ice 2021

We have been to see Disney on Ice many of times, but we went again in late May with Brad’s family. We have yet to see the same performance twice though. That is one thing I have loved about attending all of them. It has also been so fun to see Melody grow and enjoy each performance so differently over the last 5 years. She is truly at the perfect age for it now. Her and Caroline (her cousin) got so into it and really loved it. Check out our experience this time below.

Disney on Ice 2019

So we went to Disney on Ice again for the fourth time. Each visit to watch has been slightly different. Our first visit Melody was like 5 months old, and we went with Brad’s family in Memphis. Our second visit was with Emily and Justin while the girls were one. Both of the husbands went, and we traveled to Birmingham. Our third visit was a birthday present from Emily right before Melody turned 2. The show was here in Huntsville and it was just us girls and my mom. This year wasn’t for any special reason except the show was in Huntsville and we were free during the week to go. It was just us girls again, and we decided to splurge and get floor seats. I thought the girls would love it enough this year to enjoy the closeness.

Disney on Ice (again)

Melody has been to see Disney on Ice three times now.  She went once when she was about 4-5 months old, then she went again last year at about 16 months old.  Our third visit was a few weeks ago here in Huntsville.  It was part of her birthday present from Emily.  Brad wasn't super interested in going since he has been twice before, so it ended up being just a girls' trip.  Since it was local, this was really easy to do.  My mom even tagged along to see the show too.  

Disney on Ice

Melody's first Disney on Ice experience was last year.  We decided to take her again this year but with Emily, Justin, and Lydia.  The show was in Birmingham which is only about 1.5 hours away, so we were able to day trip it.  Read about our experience below!