


We decided this summer to let Melody try gymnastics.  When planning the fall/spring, we contemplated different activities for Melody to participate in.  I really wanted Melody to try dance.  She loves to dance around the house.  Brad wanted to try gymnastics.  He thought Melody would love the activity aspect.  We were hesitant to do both since she is also starting preschool in the fall.  Gymnastics offered a summer session, so we decided to give that a try and see how Melody reacted to determine if we wanted to also do it in the fall.  

Melody was in the 2-3 year old class.  It was a mommy and me class with 6 other kids.  The first class was awful.  So the class first started with warm-ups.  The did different activities to get from one side of the mats to another.  They would run, hop, crawl, etc.  Then they would take a few minutes and do some stretches.  Then started the portion Melody semi-hated.  They set up multiple stations with different activities for the kids to do at each one.  Melody's problem was she only wanted to do certain stations.  She didn't like going to each of them.  So there was a lot of screaming!

The next class, Brad happened to come.  I did part of the class, but when she started throwing herself on the ground, Brad and I switched.  She still screamed with him, but at least I wasn't out there!  {thankfully she looks so adorable in a leotard!}

After that class, we started working with her at home.  We had her doing front rolls and back flips off her chair.  After the home "training" she didn't scream as much.  She had a few moments throughout the classes, but she did MUCH better.  

She was doing so much better by the end of the 7 week class, I decided to put her on the waitlist for the fall.  The great thing about gymnastics is that we can stop at any time if we feel it is too much for our schedule.  I also plan to try and do it at night so Brad can be more involved in the class too.  I think having him there for two of the classes made a huge difference.

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