All tagged Gymnastics

Gymnastics Spring 2023

Melody has made great strides in gymnastics this year. At the end of the season, they had what they call “Gymfest”. It is like a showcase for the gymnasts. It was really neat to finally get to see this. They stopped it due to COVID, and this was the first year back. Those pictures are the ones where she is wearing the blue t-shirt. We did decide to take a break for gymnastics this summer. And I actually signed Melody up for another gymnastics class closer to our house. I can’t wait to share how that goes!

Gymnastics Fall 2022

So we are still doing gymnastics this year with Melody. She does enjoy it, but there are still some days she almost doesn’t want to go. The problem is gymnastics is on a Thursday. Well by Thursday, we are over all the things and need a break. But she has really improved a lot this year and conquered some of her fears. I look forward to seeing what all she is able to do this spring semester!

Gymnastics Summer 2022

We did not really want to do gymnastics this summer since we already had a busy summer planned. But it is impossible to get into our gymnastics in the fall without being part of the summer classes (even then it is REALLY hard). So we did 5 weeks of gymnastics. Melody was excited to finally get to be in a class with Lydia again. But it did add to our summer, and we likely won’t repeat it next year. But she had fun!

Gymnastics 2022 Pictures

Because this was our first full year of gymnastics, we experienced lots of new things. One of those was pictures. During the summer, pictures are not taken. Pictures were optional and you wore whatever leotard you wanted. I ended up getting both pictures because they were cute.

Gymnastics Fall 2021

We had such a good experience with gymnastics this summer, we wanted to give it a go full time. We waited about a week too late and were waitlisted for the fall, but by October they had found us a spot. Melody still wanted to try it out for the year, so we signed up. I have really enjoyed seeing her progress with a full semester worth of gymnastics and not just a few classes in the summer. She has definitely become braver and is more willing to try things. Here are a few pictures from our time this fall.

Gymnastics Summer 2021

We decided to let Melody try gymnastics one more time this summer. She despised it during the summers before, but this one would be different. It was no longer a “mommy and me” style class, so we hoped this would give her more confidence with the independence. And it did! She loved it, and she has even asked to continue doing it in the fall.

Super Hero Tumbling Camp

Back before COVID-19 ruined a lot of our plans, I intended to sign Melody up for gymnastics this summer, and we were going to skip dance this summer. I know she loves dance, but we have struggled to get her to enjoy gymnastics. My assumption from the last two years of summer gymnastics is that she didn’t enjoy it because it was a mommy and me style class. This summer was the chance for her to do it alone. But we just didn’t feel entirely comfortable sending her with COVID still prevalent. Also, dance lasted through a good portion of June. So we actually figured we would not join anything this summer. Dance starts back early August. Then I read about a tumbling camp offered by her dance studio. It was a 3 day camp lasting 3 hours a day. I loved the idea of it being a longer day, and it offered tumbling and fun. And I really trusted their attention to detail when it came to COVID. So I jumped at the chance to sign her up!

Gymnastics 2019

Melody first started gymnastics last summer. She really didn’t enjoy it, and we opted to not sign her up or the fall and spring last year. I would basically have to force Melody to go from station to station, and it just wasn’t enjoyable at all. Brad wanted to give it another go this summer, so I had him pick a time that he could attend the class with her.


We decided this summer to let Melody try gymnastics.  When planning the fall/spring, we contemplated different activities for Melody to participate in.  I really wanted Melody to try dance.  She loves to dance around the house.  Brad wanted to try gymnastics.  He thought Melody would love the activity aspect.  We were hesitant to do both since she is also starting preschool in the fall.  Gymnastics offered a summer session, so we decided to give that a try and see how Melody reacted to determine if we wanted to also do it in the fall.