Melody's Room

Melody's Room

Melody's Room.jpg

So now that we are all moved into our new house, we are currently “making it our own”. We have unpacked, but now we need to paint and decorate. We decided to do Melody’s room first. It was the easiest, and we already had everything to do it except the paint.

Melody’s room isn’t going to look too much different from her room at our previous house. We did that somewhat intentionally. We aren’t ready to upgrade her bed yet because she sleeps just fine. So we didn’t want to go buy new bedding just yet. So we decided to keep it the same. We also figured it might help her transition better if she did have one thing that was sort of the same.

Below are a few pictures before we really dug into her room. I did hang some things prior to redoing her room, but we didn’t really hang everything.

Below are the pictures afterwards. The big change is her walls. We painted them Tempered Gray. This isn’t the exact gray from the other house, but it is pretty close. We also patched a few holes we noticed, and added back some shelves, her monogram, and her mirror.

In the near future we are going to add a ceiling fan to her room. And in the far future we will likely change her carpet. We love her room so much, and this makes it feel even more like home!

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