Disney October 2019

Disney October 2019

Disney October 2019.jpg

My mom had to take a work trip to Orlando back in October, and Melody and I tagged along. We flew Frontier for the first time, and we stayed at Buena Vista Palace at Disney Springs. Both of our annual passes had expired, so we just bought two day park hoppers for the weekend when my mom wasn’t working. However, we found plenty to do seeing that we were across from Disney Springs.

We had a direct flight to Orlando, but it did require us to leave after dinner time. Melody found ways to burn some energy though.

Melody was so happy until she realized I was by a window and she wasn’t. So instead of trying to fight that battle, I did give in. She did good on the flight and was kept entertained with her phone and snacks.

We made it to Orlando fairly late (after 10 pm). Melody was grouchy because she never slept. We did stop for a snack on the way to the hotel, but she stayed awake by playing on the phone.

We made it to the hotel around 11:15 pm. Melody somehow had lots of energy, but after unpacking and getting bathed, we were finally able to call it a night.

The next morning we went and found breakfast at Letterpress, and seeing that we are Hilton Diamond members, the buffet was free for us.

After breakfast, my mom had to go to work. While she was gone, we decided to explore the hotel some. It was a very pretty hotel. We walked around the pool, and Melody immediately wanted to go back and get in. So we changed and headed to the pool for an hour or so. I was happy we were able to spend a lot of time at the pool since it was fairly chilly back home. And Melody had a lot of fun since they had a zero entry area and she could touch the bottom.

After playing at the pool, we had to get lunch. I had considered eating at the hotel, but it was all overpriced, and if I am paying an arm and a leg, I want it to be good. So we took the 15 minute or so walk over to Disney Springs. We opted for Wolfgang Puck Express. It was fairly close to the area where the walkway leads, and it had been a while since we had a meal there. We spend so little time at Disney Springs these days that we can’t eat there as often. I had the pizza which was great, and then we did a bit of shopping before heading back to meet my mom.

After my mom returned, we first went to Target to get a few things to have in the hotel like drinks and snacks. Then we headed back to Disney Springs for dinner. We once again went to Wolfgang Puck Express. This time I had the ravioli. And it was amazing. The only thing it was missing is some sort of bread. The waiter said he would bring some but never did.

After dinner, I promised Melody ice cream, and I wanted to try the bubble waffles at AristoCrepes. I ordered the Strawberry one, then asked the cashier if they sold just ice cream by itself. She said no. So I convinced Melody we would go find some shortly. The lady was very nice, however, and decided to give me a small cup of ice cream for free for Melody. I was totally willing to pay for it, I just wanted something so I didn’t have to go anywhere else. I really wished I remembered her name to do a cast compliment. I always forget to notice the things! Anyhow, my waffle was delicious. I am honestly not sure it was worth the $9 price tag, but if you include the free ice cream I got too, it works out. Then we shopped before heading back to the room.

We made it back in time to view the fireworks at both Epcot and Magic Kingdom. We had a balcony so this worked out perfectly. We had a great view of both, and unfortunately this was the only night we made it back in time to watch them. Then it was bedtime!

The next morning we grabbed the buffet again, and mom had to leave pretty soon afterwards for work. Melody had been asking often to go to the arcade. We passed it every time we went to Disney Springs. So I let her go for a bit that morning. We didn’t play any of the games, but she is happy just pretending.

I gave Melody the option that day to either have a pool day or go to the playground at French Quarter. She opted for the playground, so off we went. Unfortunately there wasn’t a playground at our hotel, so this was the next best thing. Plus I love their food court, so it worked out perfectly. We walked over to Disney Springs then took a boat from there to Port Orleans French Quarter. The playground isn’t too far from the boat dock either. We have stayed there numerous times so we know our way around.

Melody played for about an hour or so before she needed to go in and potty. I took that opportunity to take a break for lunch. I love their power salad with chicken. I was hoping to find it through the mobile ordering but it wasn’t on the app. Luckily the line was short and quick as opposed to previous visits.

We went back to the playground for another hour or so, then we headed back to Disney Springs via the boat again.

When we arrived back at Disney Springs we ran into my aunt, uncle, and cousins near the play water area near the boat docks. I knew they were at Disney too, and they happened to be killing time at Disney Springs until the Halloween party that evening. So I was happy to get to visit with them some. It was also a nice break for me. Brad had been out of town for about 2 weeks at that point, and Melody was attached at my hip, literally. My uncle and cousins played with her in the water, so she actually took some time away from me. She even rode the carousel with my cousin too. She had a blast, and finished the afternoon up with popcorn!

My mom had a fairly long day, so after we rested a bit we headed down to the pool for a while. Melody LOVED it.

When my mom got back from work, we went to Disney Springs and had a very late dinner at Chicken Guy! I was surprised at the crowds given it was 8:30 at night. And Melody of course feel asleep. But we made it, and we had a good dinner too. Then it was back to the hotel to rest up since we were headed to the parks the next morning!

For our first park day, we started with Magic Kingdom. And just like at Hilton Lake Buena Vista, we were dropped off at ticket and transportation center rather than at Magic Kingdom itself. And it was much more crowded than when we were there in August.

That morning we hit up the usually Fantasyland rides, but we added the Tomorrowland Speedway. Melody has been asking to do them for a while, and we don’t usually have the time (and honestly I hate them), but she LOVED them. She still talks about it to this day.

We had lunch at Columbia Harbour House. It was a nice break from the heat too. I had the tuna sandwich with chips, and it was really good. Not too fishy tasting, and it wasn’t dry either. My mom had the combo plate (I didn’t get a picture of). The hushpuppies were great. The chicken was ordinary, but the shrimp was really good. We also tried the Mickey and Minnie Celebration whoopie pies. They were delicious and rich.

We went to do it’s a small world, PeopleMover, and Carousel of Progress per Melody’s request before heading out. The line was pretty long at PeopleMover, but that seems to be the case during the busier times.

While waiting forever for the bus to Animal Kingdom (seriously though…I always plan to do Animal Kingdom after Magic Kingdom, yet the bus always takes 30-45 minutes), Melody feel asleep. It made the bus ride exceptionally hard. I had to stand with the stroller and mom managed to find a seat to hold Melody while she slept. It was hard, but we made it.

We went and rode the train back to Rafiki’s Planet Watch. Melody loved the ride (even though we had many breakdowns there due to the short nap). It wasn’t quite what I remembered, and Melody didn’t enjoy the time there as much, but she did enjoy the train. We also did spent quite a bit of time at The Boneyard. We had dinner at Restaurantosaurus, spent some more time playing, then headed back to the room to call it a night!

Our last day (and second park day), we started the morning at Hollywood Studios. The Skyliner was of course not operating. I sort of hoped it would, but the accident happened a few days before, and thankfully it was closed ha. I am certain I am not going to ride it for a while. Anyhow, we made it and went straight for Galaxy’s Edge. I wanted that blue milk, and I was looking for a souvenir to bring back to Brad.

We then stopped and got coffee and a pastry to help us make it to lunch. We then went and browsed all of the Frozen merchandise before heading in to watch the Frozen Sing-a-long.

So Melody was super excited for the sing-a-long, and she remembered so much from the one time she has seen it which surprised me. She still hated the ending with the snow though. She kept trying to pick each piece that fell on her off ha.

We had lunch at PizzeRizzo. I honestly forgot it was still open, and I was so happy I remembered. They offer mobile ordering which is great (and worked). And it’s inside and there is PLENTY of seating upstairs. Always go upstairs! My mom ordered the meatball sub, and she loved it. The meatballs were huge, and the sandwich itself was delicious. I was basic and had the cheese pizza, but it was good, and I love Disney pizza!

After lunch, we headed to Toy Story Land for Alien’s Saucers. Melody was so excited, then after riding it refused to do it again, ha. We did some shopping, then we headed out for Epcot.

The boat line was AWFUL, and the bus line seemed reasonable from a distance, so we waited. Unfortunately that was probably a mistake because it took forever. Walking likely would have been quicker, but we needed to be at the front of the park anyhow. We went straight to Living with the Land and rode it a few times, then stopped for a snack at Sunshine Seasons.

We went and rode Nemo, and Melody played in the play area while we waited on our Fastpass time for Spaceship Earth. We watched a scuba diver, and Melody was so excited he took a picture with her. Then we rode Spaceship Earth and played there some before going to dinner.

We headed to dinner at Rose and Crown. We were seated nearly immediately, but were informed all seating was outside. Apparently all indoor seating was for the bar that evening. I am not sure if that is new or what, but I honestly would not have made the reservation here if I had known. It’s super hot and not ideal. They do have fans, but I still prefer air-conditioning. Service was exceptionally poor. The food took forever (not the waitress fault), but I spent half of my meal without a drink and the requested condiments even though I asked for both as soon as we received the food. The food was good, but that was all.

We took some pictures then headed to meet Anna and Elsa.

Melody was certain to tell me she wanted to meet Anna and Elsa by going through their house not on a boat. She really hates Frozen Ever After, ha. She was so excited to meet them. Still shy, but excited. Then we called it a night and head back to the hotel to back up.

We had a fairly early flight, so Melody stayed in pajamas. But we had no real issues and made it home! We had lots of fun, even with the warmth and crowds!

Blue Mountain Ice Cream

Blue Mountain Ice Cream

Flag Door Hanger

Flag Door Hanger