Mother's Day 2019

Mother's Day 2019

Mother's Day 2019.jpg

Mother’s Day this year was much different than last year. The biggest difference is I got to wake up in my own bed in my own home vs. a hotel due to forced house renovations, ha!

We also went and had an amazing brunch at my favorite brunch spot, Grille 29. I had a few mimosas and was forced to try a new entree and dessert due to menu changes (new review coming soon).

After brunch we did a lot of work around the house. Yes, I know it is Mother’s Day, but Melody’s third birthday party and her first dance recital is the coming weekend. And with that means a lot of house work, ha! So next weekend I will take a day to do nothing!

I did refuse to cook (not that I was asked), and we had dinner at Arby’s.


Oh, and I got the cutest watch band from Brad. Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of the exact one, but it is similar to the one below! Too cute!

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