Melody is THREE

Melody is THREE

Melody is THREE.jpg

On Saturday our little one turned THREE! How crazy is that?!? I mean I felt like I just had her! So below are all the fun activities that we did throughout her birthday. And if you want to ready about each of her birthdays past click here…birth, one, and two! She celebrated her birthday party 2 weeks ago, but I will share all about that in many future posts, ha!

So as per tradition in the past, the night before her birthday, we took our final family picture with our two year old!

Then to continue our tradition, Melody woke up to lots of balloons in bed!

Moments after the balloon party, she asked to go to the donut shop, aka Dunkin’ Donuts. So off we went. They were out of powdered munchkins (which is what she specifically requested), so I ordered a normal donut and tore it into pieces before she noticed, and boom, she bought it!

When we got home, we let her open all of her birthday presents from us, and she had a few from a friend and a grandparent to open. Then she played and relaxed until it was time to go to lunch.

We had lunch at Red Robin (per tradition too). However she was anti pictures as you can tell.

After lunch she asked to ride the train, but it wasn’t open yet, so we rode the carousel a few times. Then we did the train a few times too.

It was a hot one, so we were all exhausted. We headed back home and took a nap. It has been a long time since Melody napped on me, but it was nice. And she woke up with some wicked awesome hair, ha!

After our naps, Melody wanted donuts for dinner. I let her eat her leftover ones, and I went and picked up real food. I was able to get her to eat a little bit of McDonald’s, but it was her birthday so I let it slide. Then it was time for cake and candle. She talked so much about this. She wanted a cake, candle, and party hats. And she specifically requested a sprinkle cake…She wouldn’t touch it. She didn’t want to blow out the candle. She didn’t want to wear the party hats. Oh well.

After the cake debacle, we went outside for a bit and let her play since it had cooled off.


Then it was bath and bedtime! All sounds like a fun day to me!

**Oh, the weekend before, Melody’s Nannie and Bob Bob were in town for her recital and party. They took her to Build A Bear for her birthday bear. She had so much fun making and accessorizing it!

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