Last Day at our First Home

Last Day at our First Home

Last Day at our First House.jpg

As I posted a few days ago, we recently moved into a new home. We absolutely loved our last home, but we outgrew it not long after getting married. Brad bought the house before he knew me, and we both knew this wasn't going to be our forever home. We started looking at homes over a year ago. And with the market how it is, we needed the equity from our home to buy a new one. And people aren’t really taking contingency offers. Homes are going too quick to want to wait and see. So in June we finally pulled the trigger. I plan to write all about our move, our staging, and our new home later.

So we closed on our old and new home on the same day in August. With all the moving and packing, the emotion of leaving our first home didn’t hit me until our last night, and really it was our last few hours there. I mean we LOVED this home. But it was too small. We really needed 1-2 more rooms and more storage space. And there was really no room to add on to the house. We also had a small driveway and garage, and when Melody was old enough to drive, this would be an issue. And if we do ever have another kid, we would lose even more room. So it was something that had to be done whether we REALLY wanted to or not. I am not sure if that makes any sense, ha.

On our last night we still were packing the U-Haul, but we were sure to spend a few moments doing things one last time.

Melody had her last bath. We let her play as much as she wanted.


We watched our last nighttime cartoon before bed.

And we read her her last bedtime stories. This was different since we already had packed up her bed. But it was still the last. And her last kiss goodnight there.

It was so bittersweet leaving. We had a few last moments at the house the morning of the move. We had a few hours of waiting before walk throughs and such. That was the hardest few hours. I cried a lot. I mean I am excited about our new home. I love it now. But this was the first home we had after getting married. It was where we brought Melody home from the hospital. It was where she took her first steps, her first words, her first everything. And while I know there are new memories to be made in our new house, it was hard. We had a few hiccups in the new house that made it even harder, but after we finally got everything in, it felt like home. And there are no more tears. Now I can look back at our first house and smile at the wonderful memories we made there, and I look forward to all of the new memories we get to make at our new home.

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