All tagged Home

Fingerprint Cross

So while we did this craft as an Easter craft, it can definitely be a craft you can do anytime of year. We plan to display this cross year around. Because of this, I did it on a canvas instead of regular paper. But this also can be done on regular paper too!

Dining Room Makeover

During this quarantine, we have decided to take the time to complete some lingering projects since we are home 24/7. Brad is still working from home, and I am trying to keep a routine with Melody and continue teaching her preschool things. But we still are constantly seeing these uncompleted projects ALL the time. So the project that we see the most, and it is the easiest to complete was our dining room. We had everything but the paint, and we already had samples picked out that we wanted to try. And since it was the first thing you practically see when you walk in our house, it just made the most sense!

Easter Egg Painting Craft

So this is another craft we did during our homeschooling days. It didn’t go quite like I had planned, but Melody wanted to do it her way. And it wasn’t worth the battle, ha! I will explain as I go along as to what I had hoped she would do.

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Four

Every week, and nearly everyday, there is something new going on with the quarantine. This week we have found out that social distancing is going to continue at least through April 30. And we also now have a shelter in place order for Alabama. The shelter in place order doesn’t really change any of our habits. We are already only getting out for essentials or doing drive thru orders. So nothing huge for us personally. And we continue on with homeschooling and project completing!

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Three

Well we just finished week two of our new normal, and we made some adjustments from the previous week schedule wise. I feel like this entire adventure will be a constantly changing routine for us. We found out some major news in regards to schools here in Alabama, and it hit me hard. I will share more on that later. First up is how we did this last week.

Unexpectedly Homeschool Week Two

So here we are in week two of what is a new experience for most of us. Last week started out great, and we all ended up exhausted! We are planning to adjust our schedules some (more on that below) to help keep us fro overdoing it and burning ourselves out. But overall we made a lot of crafts and a lot of progress on some home projects.

Our Back Porch

One of my most favorite parts about our new house is the back porch. We now have a HUGE back porch that is COVERED!! Our previous house didn’t have any awning what so ever, and it was fairly small what porch we did have. So fixing up our back porch was one of the first things I wanted to do!

Staging Our Home

So it is no longer a secret that we semi-recently moved into a new home. And as I mentioned before, we LOVED our previous home, but we outgrew it. We looked at houses for about a year, then we decided to just pull the trigger and put our home on the market. With the way the market was, we expected it to sell fairly quick and that would give us the money we needed for a larger down payment for a bigger house. Well in order to sell quickly, I knew we needed to stage it as best as we could. Our house sold within 4 days when it first went on the market. Those buyers backed out. When we put it back on the market, it literally sold within 10 minutes. No joke. Staging may not have played a part, but it couldn’t hurt! Check out what I did below.

Last Day at our First Home

As I posted a few days ago, we recently moved into a new home. We absolutely loved our last home, but we outgrew it not long after getting married. Brad bought the house before he knew me, and we both knew this wasn't going to be our forever home. We started looking at homes over a year ago. And with the market how it is, we needed the equity from our home to buy a new one. And people aren’t really taking contingency offers. Homes are going too quick to want to wait and see. So in June we finally pulled the trigger. I plan to write all about our move, our staging, and our new home later.