


So a while back we grilled kabobs. We don’t do them super often because I am not a huge fan of the vegetables, but I do let Brad do them on occasion and I make another vegetable for myself. Plus they make great lunches for Brad too.


  • Chicken

  • Vegetables - we used tomatoes, bell pepper, onions, squash, and zucchini

  • Wooden Skewers (or if you grill often you may have reusable ones)

  • EVOO

  • Salt and Pepper


1. Cut up the chicken and vegetables into cubes or slices.

2. Make sure the skewers are covered in EVOO. This keeps them from burning too easy and allows the food to slide on and off easier. Then add the chicken and veggies. Since we had so many veggies, we made some skewers only veggies.

3. Grill! Brad cooks them on a lower direct heat for around 20 minutes or until the chicken is done.


4. Serve!

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